
College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Educational Program Objectives for the M.D. Program

Medical Knowledge:

Students must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and social behavioral sciences across the lifespan and the ability to apply this knowledge to patient care.

  • MK-1 Describe normal and abnormal structure and function for all organ systems across the life span.
  • MK-2 Recognize how people of diverse cultures and belief systems perceive health/illness and respond to symptoms, diseases, and related treatments.
  • MK-3 Describe the impact of gender and racial bias, as well as the cultural, economical, psychological, and social factors on health and disease.
  • MK-4 Apply the principles of basic sciences to the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic testing, prevention, and treatment of human diseases.
  • MK-5 Identify the core principles of health systems science and its impact on patients and populations.
  • MK-6 Describe the mechanism and action of pharmacological treatment across all clinical settings.
  • MK-7 Apply scientific principles required to practice evidence-based medicine.
  • MK-8 Identify end of life care issues from the patient and physician perspective.

Patient Care:

Students must be able to provide patient centered care across the life span that is equitable, compassionate, based on the best evidence available for the health of all patients. Students must be able to demonstrate all medical, diagnostic, and procedural skills considered essential for the area of practice.

  • PC-1 Acquire and document a comprehensive history and perform a complete physical/mental status examination, and differential diagnosis.
  • PC-2 Apply ethical principles and practices to all aspects of patient care.
  • PC-3 Apply principles of epidemiology and social determinants of health to identify risk factors, disease prevention, and treatment strategies for patients and populations.
  • PC-4 Discuss the fundamental principles of patient-centered and team-based care, patient safety as well as quality improvement in health care delivery.
  • PC-5 Obtain an informed consent for and perform common medical and surgical procedures in a safe, compassionate, and professional manner.
  • PC-6 Apply biomedical knowledge to understand clinical problems and to interpret laboratory data, imaging studies, and other diagnostic tests and procedures to deliver safe and effective clinical care.
  • PC-7 Make informed decisions about appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for patients with commonly encountered conditions.
  • PC-8 Recognize emergency medical conditions and initiate appropriate treatment.
  • PC-9 Collaborate as a member of an interprofessional team.


Students must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles.

  • PB-1 Demonstrate ethics and professionalism including compassion, cultural humility, and accountability when interfacing with patients, families, society, and healthcare team members.
  • PB-2 Exhibit professional and emotional maturity by managing conflicts, coping with personal and professional stress, and practice flexibility in ambiguous situations.
  • PB-3 Provide compassionate treatment for and respect the privacy and dignity of all patients and their families.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills:

Students must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients across the life span, their families, other health professionals, and the community at large.

  • IPC-1 Communicate in a timely manner, both verbally and in writing, with patients, patients’ families and caregivers, colleagues, and others with whom physicians must exchange information in carrying out their responsibilities.
  • IPC-2 Communicate with colleagues across health professions in a respectful, professional, and timely manner to ensure interdisciplinary and interprofessional delivery of high-quality care.
  • IPC-3 Communicate in a culturally sensitive manner with patients, families/caregivers, and the community at large and apply principles of cultural humility to all aspects of health care delivery.

Practice-Based Learning and Improvement:

Students must demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate their care of patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to advance patient care based on continuous self- evaluation and life-long learning.

  • PBL-1 Identify personal limitations in knowledge and clinical skills, independently set learning and improvement goals, and participate in reflective practice to continuously improve as a lifelong learner.
  • PBL-2 Continually identify, analyze, and implement new knowledge, guidelines, standards, technologies, or products that have been demonstrated to improve patient outcomes.
  • PBL-3 Incorporate all forms of feedback to address gaps in knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

Systems-Based Practice:

Students must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of healthcare, as well as the ability to recognize and utilize resources in the system to provide optimal health care. Students’ professional identity will continually evolve in a manner that aligns with their development as master adaptive lifelong learners.

  • SBP-1 Assess the roles and responsibilities of physicians and other healthcare professionals in various models of healthcare organizations and determine the impact of finances/economics on delivery of health care.
  • SBP-2 Assess the impact of healthcare disparities in delivery of health care.
  • SBP-3 Determine the economic impact of diagnostic and therapeutic evaluations and the risk-benefit analysis in both patient and population-based care.
  • SBP-4 Respond to the larger context of systems of healthcare through effective use of systems resources, coordination of care, and practices that enhance quality and safety.
  • SBP-5 Participate effectively in and deliver care in an interprofessional team.
  • SBP-6 Assess the role of structural racism in health disparities and implement strategies to encourage and advocate for health equity.

Approved by ECC December 2022