Undergraduate Awards
The following awards are offered to undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding
achievement in certain fields in chemistry. Students are nominated by their instructors.
Awards are presented each Spring during a reception in honor of the recipients.
Alfred F. Foster Chemistry for the Health Sciences Award
- Two equivalent awards will be made each year, one for the best student in the fall class for Chemistry for the Health Sciences, and one for the best student in the spring class of Chemistry for the Health Sciences. Each of the award recipients will receive a $125 check and a copy of the Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine for Nursing.
American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award
- One-year student-associate membership in the American Institute of Chemists to the outstanding graduating senior.
Analytical Chemistry Award
- A subscription to Analytical Chemistry and a membership in the Division of Analytical Chemistry, ACS, for outstanding performance in Analytical Chemistry.
Arthur H. Black Prize in Analytical Chemistry
- A monetary award and a subscription to Analytical Chemistry to a Chemistry major with outstanding ability to Analytical Chemistry.
Biochemisrty Award
- The outstanding student in Biochemistry receives a copy of The Physician's Desk Reference.
CRC Press Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award
- The winner of this award receives a copy of the Chemical Rubber Company's Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and an award scroll.
Organic Chemistry Award
- A copy of The Merck Index to the outstanding student in Organic Chemistry.
Inorganic Chemistry Award
- A copy of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edition is given to the outstanding student in Inorganic Chemistry.
Physical Chemistry Award
- A copy of The Chemist's Companion for the outstanding performance in Physical Chemistry.
Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences Award
- A copy of the Physician's Desk Reference for the outstanding performance in Physical Chemistry for the biosciences.