
College of Medicine MD Curriculum

SOMN 601 Advanced Dissection and Study in Anatomy

TITLE: Advanced Dissection in Anatomy


DEPARTMENT: Medical Education

DURATION: 10 weeks

DIRECTOR: Hamoun Delaviz, MD, MS


NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 12 or permission of Instructor

LOCATION: Laboratory of Anatomical Sciences (030), Block Health Science Building

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The elective provides the student an opportunity to review, refine, and consolidate their understanding of human anatomy through skilled dissection and literature review of clinical conditions related to the area of dissection.

Each student, in consultation with an instructor, should determine an area of interest for dissection and develop an individual plan of study. During the execution of the plan of study and dissection, the student is expected to be present in the laboratory an average of two hours per day, 2-3 days per week (4-6 hours per week). The student is also expected to perform independent study in the area(s) of dissection.

The students should be able to:

  1. Using appropriate materials, the student should be able to describe/demonstrate the anatomic structures relevant to their chosen area of study/dissection. (MK-1, MK-4)
  2. The student should be able to explain the anatomical basis for the physiologic changes of the tissues and organs relevant to their chosen area of study. (MK-3, MK-4, MK-5)
  3. Using appropriate materials, the student should be able to explain the clinical significance of alterations in the morphology of the structures relevant to their chosen area of study. (MK-3, MK-4, MK-5)

METHODS OF TEACHING: Dissection and small group discussion with faculty and other students in the elective. 


  • Evaluation of dissection and observable progress in dissection in between regular weekly attendance in lab
  • Participation in small group discussions with other students enrolled in the elective
  • Identification of structures involved in the dissection

PROFESSIONALISM: Students will meet the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Competencies for Graduation.

LIFELONG LEARNING: Students are expected to meet the institutional core competences for lifelong learning as stated in the current Competencies for Graduation.

PREREQUISITES: First- or second-year medical students in good academic standing.

ECC Approved
August 2023