
Medical Microbiology and Immunology

1970 - 1979 Graduates

William A. Cafruny, Ph.D. 1979,  M.S. in 1975    Advisor:  Dr. David Senitzer
Ph.D. Thesis title:  Cell-Mediated Autoimmunity in the Mouse, and an Investigation of Immune Regulation by a Humoral Mechanism 
M.S. Thesis title:  The Induction of Cell-Mediated Immunity to Cardiac Determinants by Streptococcal Immunization

Last Known Position:  Professor, Immunology / Virology, The University of South Dakota, 253 Lee Medicine & Science Building  •  Vermillion, SD  57069
Tel: 605-677-5168
email: bcafruny@usd.edu

Donald C. Sun, Ph.D.  1976    Major Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Burnham
Thesis title: A Cytochemical and Physiological Study of Photosynthetic and Respiratory Electron Reactions in Phormidium Luridum var. Olivacea.
in Biology 1976    Major Advisor:  Dr. David Seintzer
Thesis title: A Review: Possible Mechanisms Responsible for the Immune Retention of the Fetus as an Allograft

Last Known Position:  Physician, Haematology-Oncology Associates of Ohio & Michigan
Address: 8166 Douglas Rd, Lambertville, MI 48144
Tel: 734-847-4900     email: info@haem-onc.com
Nancy Collins, M.S. in Biology 1973  Advisor: Dr. Earl Freimer
Thesis title: In Vivo and in vitro Studies of the Immunologic Reaction of Mice to Antigens from Streptoccus Pyogenes

Last Known Position:  Dr. Collins is a Consultant at Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy Consulting Service, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY United States. Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Community based volunteer faculty track, University of Toledo, 3000 Arlington Avenue, MS# 1036.
±ð³¾²¹¾±±ô:Ìý nancy.collins@utoledo.edu
, M.D., Ph.D., FAAFP,  Major Advisor:  Dr. Earl Freimer
Thesis title: Evaluation of Leukocyte Function:  A Comparison of the Nitro Blue Tetrazolium and Phagocytosis Tests

Last known position:  M.D., University of Toledo, Professor & Dir Women's Health, School of Population Health, 3000 Arlington Ave., Mail Stop #1179, Toledo, OH 43614
Tel:  419-383-4000
±ð³¾²¹¾±±ô:Ìý donna.woodson@utoledo.edu
in Biology 1972    Major Advisor:  Dr. Jeffrey Burnham
Thesis title:  The Effect of Selenium on the Ultrastructure and Physiological Properties of the Blue-Green Alga, Phormidium luridum var. olivacea
Last Known Position:  Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California La Jolla, CA 92093