

Recent News

06.01.2017: Dr. Scott Pappada received notification of award from Defense Health Agency via Aptima, Inc for the Phase I STTR project-Principled Design of an Augmented Reality Trainer for Medics. Total Funding (subaward to UT): $44,995.

06.01.2017: Dr. Scott Pappada secured funding from United States Army Medical Research and Material Command via Aptima, Inc for the SBIR Phase II project-ACLAMATE: Automated Cognitive Load Assessment for Medical Staff Training and Evaluation. Total Funding (subaward to UT): $35,000.

05.15.2017: Anil Penumatsa joined Dr.Jason Stroud’s project- Internet Integrated Anesthesia Residency Achievement Tracking based on Virtual Badges as a graduate assistant.

02.01.2017: Dr. Scott Pappada secured funding from United States Army Institute of Surgical Research via Aptima, Inc for the Phase II SBIR project-Intelligent and Direct Antibiotic Decision Support System. Total Funding (subaward to UT): $249,673.

02.23.2017: Mohammad Owais joined Dr.Scott Pappada’s project-Development of a New ‘ICU of the Future’ Clinical Decision Support System Framework as a graduate assistant.