
Political Science and Public Administration

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Advisor

Dr. Sam Nelson

Degrees Offered

The Department of Political Science and Public Administration offers a Bachelor of Arts degree with an optional specialization in legal studies.

Advanced Placement

Students with a score of 3, 4 or 5 on the American Government and Politics examination will receive credit for PSC 1200.

Requirements for the Undergraduate Major

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science requires:

  • PSC 1200, American National Government (3 cr.)

    Students must take one course from three of the following four fields:

  • PSC 2600 Principles of Comparative Politics
  • PSC 2700 Principles of International Relations
  • PSC 2800 Principles of Political Theory
  • PSC 3410 Principles of Public Policy

  • Completion of additional courses in the department to satisfy the 30-hour requirement.

  • Related course work requirements: The required 18 hours of related course work should be chosen according to the student's interests and objectives. Selections should be made from 2000-level and higher courses in any other social science (anthropology, economics, geography, psychology, and sociology), or in history or philosophy, in consultation with an advisor. Selected courses offered by the Department of Communication or in the College of Business Administration also may be chosen with the permission of an advisor. Completion of a minor or of a second major in any department of the university also will be accepted as completion of the department's related requirement.