
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Constitution of the Faculty of the College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Revised: November 2023
Ratified by vote of the CNSM Faculty: December 2023

Article I: Mission & Principles
Section 1. Mission Statement
Section 2. Principles
Article II: Organization
Section 1. Faculty
Section 2. Dean
Section 3. Chairs of Departments
Article III: Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings of the Faculty
Section 2. Special Meetings of the Faculy
Section 3. Agenda
Section 4. Limitations on Scheduling Mtgs
Section 5. Quorum
Section 6. Voting
Article IV: Committees
Section 1. Standing Committee
Section 2. Special Committees
Section 3. Appointments
Article V: The NSM Council
Section 1. Powers and Authority
Section 2. Executive Committee
Section 3. Membership
Section 4. Elections
Section 5. Vacancies
Section 6. Terms of Office
Section 7. Meetings and Procedures
Article VI: Amendment & Transition
Section 1. Amendment
Section 2. Transition


Section 1. Mission Statement: The Faculty of the University of Toledo’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics seek to build and disseminate foundational and applicable knowledge through excellence in teaching, research and discovery, and community engagement; foster the advancement of science, mathematics and technology locally, regionally and globally; and serve as a transformative force within a diverse, interdisciplinary and collaborative educational environment for improving our world through science and mathematics.

Section 2. The Faculty of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will adhere to the following principles: a. Contribute to a broad-based education for University of Toledo students, as the basis of good citizenship, and strong participatory democracy. b. Create and disseminate knowledge by engaging the professional regional and global communities. c. Fulfill its role in shared governance. d. Protect academic freedom. This is essential to search for truth and its free exposition for both research and teaching.


Section 1. Faculty: The faculty of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics shall consist of all members holding full-time academic appointments as Lecturers, or tenured or tenure-track Assistant Professors, Associate Professors or Professors.

Section 2. Dean: The Dean shall be the chief academic officer of the College. Associate and Assistant Deans shall assist the Dean in administering College affairs.

Section 3. Chairs of Departments:

a. Appointment. The Dean shall recommend the appointment of the chair of each department in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics only from its full-time faculty. Recommendation then proceeds sequentially to the Provost, President, and finally to the Board of Trustees, who officially appoints the Department Chair, as outlined in University Policy #3364-72-5 and noted in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The Dean shall confer with faculty members to effectively consult with the faculty of the department in the choice and renewal of appointment of the department chair. All full-time faculty in the department, who have been members of that department for at least one year, shall be given an opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on candidates for the department chair position or renewal of the department chair. This will be provided in the form of strengths and weaknesses. The department faculty may also choose to have a vote for the chair position, if they so wish. Following these procedures gives the Dean the information needed to make an informed recommendation to the Provost and the President. The Board of Trustees will officially approve all appointments of Department Chairs.

b. Renewal of Chairs of Departments:

(1) Timing. During the Fall semester preceding the end of the chair’s current term, a chair shall be subject to a vote of confidence on continuation in that office. Faculty will also be able to submit anonymous feedback as outlined in Article II, section 3a.

(2) Eligibility. All full-time faculty who have been members of the department for at least one year will be able to participate in a vote of confidence. Feedback will also be required from other department chairs, college leadership and departmental staff. All feedback can be submitted anonymously.

(3) Notification. The Dean shall prepare a list of all eligible voters in the department and shall notify them, including those in absentia, of the impending vote at least five business days prior to permit those unable to attend the meeting to cast absentee ballots. Absentee ballots shall be sent by the voter directly to the Dean and prior to the departmental election meeting.

(4) Lack of Confidence. Should a majority of those eligible to vote cast no confidence ballots, the Dean will use the feedback provided to determine if the chair should be renewed or removed at the end of the fiscal year. In cases where the chair is removed, it is further expected that a new chair will be recommended, as noted in the process outlined in Article II, section 3a.

(5) Early Vote of Confidence. One-half of the eligible voting faculty of a department, as defined in Article II, section 3b (2), may in confidence petition the Dean for an early vote of confidence. No more than one such vote of confidence may be taken in any one academic year. The procedure for conducting an early vote of confidence shall be the same as that specified in Article II, section 3b (2)-(4). Should a majority of those eligible to vote cast no confidence ballots, the Dean will use the feedback provided to determine if the chair should be renewed or removed at the end of the academic year. If the chair is removed, the Board of Trustees will officially approve the early removal. In such a case, it is further expected that a new chair will be recommended promptly, as noted in the process outlined in Article II, section 3a.

c. Other mechanisms for removal of chairs

In accordance with University Policy # 3364-72-05, a Chair may be removed from the position as Chair any time for any reason upon the recommendation of the Dean, the Provost or the President. In addition, the Chair may be removed for cause, including but not limited to failure to perform Chair duties, upon the recommendation of any of the following: the Dean, the Provost or the President. The Board of Trustees will officially approve all removals.


Section 1. Regular Meetings of the Faculty: Meetings of the entire Faculty normally shall be held at a frequency of one per semester during the academic year.

Section 2. Special Meetings of the Faculty: Special meetings of the Faculty may be called during the academic year by the Dean or by petition signed by ten Faculty members or by 50 students enrolled in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and presented to the Dean. Special meetings called by petition shall be held no later than ten calendar days from the date of the filing of the petition with the Dean. Members of the Faculty shall receive written notice of the meeting at least three days in advance of the meeting, and the notice shall cite the contents of the petition and the text of any proposals on which the Faculty is expected to act. The three-day advance notice may be waived either by the Dean or at the petitioners’ request and with the consent of the Executive Committee of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Council in consultation with the Dean. In either case, the Dean shall instruct each department to inform its members orally or by email of the nature of the meeting and its time and place.

Section 3. Agenda: The agenda for regular meetings shall be prepared by the Dean in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Council and shall be received by the Faculty at least three days in advance of the meeting, together with the texts of any proposals on which the Faculty is expected to act. Any Faculty member may request that an item be placed on the agenda by submitting a written request to the Dean.

Section 4. Limitations on Scheduling of Meetings: No regular or special meeting shall be held during the final examination period, or on scheduled holidays, Fall break, Thanksgiving break, Winter break, Spring break or during the Summer.

Section 5. Quorum: A quorum for any meeting of the faculty shall consist of one-half of the full-time members of the faculty of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Section 6. Voting: Only full-time faculty in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics can vote at meetings of the entire faculty.


Section 1. Standing Committee: The College Committee on Academic Personnel which shall be elected as provided in its by-laws.

Section 2. Special Committees: The Dean or the Council may establish Special Committees and define their responsibilities.

Section 3. Appointments: Members of all appointive committees shall be named by the Dean with the advice of the Executive Committee of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Council.


Section 1. Powers and Authority: The Natural Sciences and Mathematics Council shall serve as the legislative branch of the College. It shall act on all matters related to the authority granted to the Faculty in the by-laws of the Board of Trustees and by the Faculty Senate, including academic policies, curriculum, academic programs, academic standards and degree requirements. Its actions shall be effective upon passage, unless otherwise specified by Council, and written notice of such action must be given to the Faculty within five days of the action. Such Council actions shall not prejudice the right of the entire Faculty to rescind such action under the provisions of Article III. The Council shall also review the annual report of the College Committee on Academic Personnel.

Section 2. Executive Committee: After the election of the Council, as provided in Section 4 of this Article, the membership shall elect an Executive Committee before the end of the Spring semester in accordance with its Rules. The term of office of Executive Committee members shall be one year and shall commence upon election. In the case of Executive Committee members elected at other times to serve as replacements for departing Executive Committee members, their terms will commence upon election and will end upon the Spring election of the subsequent Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for Council meetings; shall appoint members to the standing and temporary committees of the Council; shall instruct and supervise the work of temporary committees; and shall take other appropriate actions to further the work of the Council, as the latter shall from time to time direct or approve.

Section 3. Membership: The Natural Sciences and Mathematics Council shall have the following membership:

a. Three faculty representatives from each department of the College, as designated by the Council, for staggered three-year terms.

b. One additional faculty representative from the above departments for every ten faculty members over twenty.

c. Two student representatives shall be appointed by the Natural Sciences and Mathematics caucus of the Student Senate.

d. The Chair or Past Chair who remains on the Council ex officio.

e. The Dean, and Associate Deans, and Assistant Deans are to be non-voting members of Council, except in cases where such individuals have been elected as departmental representative members of Council with normal voting privileges.

Section 4. Elections: Faculty representatives under subsections 3a and 3b, above, shall be elected by the faculty members of the departments they represent.

Section 5. Vacancies: Vacancies in at-large offices under the elective supervision of the Council shall be filled in accordance with the Rules of the Council.

Section 6. Terms of Office: The terms of office for all faculty representatives shall be three years. Student representatives shall serve one-year terms and are eligible for reappointment and reelection.

Section 7. Meetings and Procedures: The Rules of the Council shall govern all matters pertaining to meetings and procedures.


Section 1. Amendment: This Constitution may be amended by a vote of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics College Faculty, provided that at least two-thirds of those voting favor the amendment. Amendments must be proposed by the Council and distributed to the Faculty at least two weeks prior to the voting. The voting may be by mail or electronic ballot, or by a general meeting of the Faculty, as determined by the Council.

Section 2. Transition: All current council members at the time of ratification of this Constitution may continue to serve until their term expires.