
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Faculty: Jianglong Zhu, Ph.D.

Jianglong Zhu

Email: Jianglong.Zhu@utoledo.edu
Office: WO 3265
Phone: (419) 530-1501
Fax: (419) 530-4033

Professional Background:

B.S. in Chemistry; B.E. in Engineering Economics, 1998, Tianjin University
M.S. in Organic Chemistry, 2001, Tianjin University
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, 2007, Boston University
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-2010, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


Synthetic Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Our main research interests focus on efficient chemical synthesis of complex bioactive natural products and biologically important oligosaccharides for the development of pharmaceutical agents. Two approaches will be employed to achieve these goals. First, we dedicate ourselves to discovering highly selective organic transformations which will be applied to the synthesis of these interesting natural molecules. In addition, we seek to invent elegant strategies to prepare structurally challenging targets using existing reaction methodologies. Successful preparation of bioactive natural products and their analogues in sufficient quantities would enable extensive studies of their biological function and ultimately the discovery of novel therapeutic candidates.
