
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

Paul H. Brand, Ph.D.

1958 Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York
1962 B.S., City College of New York, Biology
1962 College of Medicine, University of Rochester
1965 College of Graduate Studies, Department of Physiology, University of Rochester
1968 M.Sc., Physiology, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry (Advisor: Julius J. Cohen)
1972 Ph.D.,Physiology, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry (Advisor: Julius J. Cohen)

1972 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (Advisor: Julius J. Cohen)
1973 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (Advisor: William H. Dantzler)


1975 Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio
1980 Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio
1979-1985 Adjunct Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

American Physiological Society
American Association of University Professors
Ohio Physiological Society
Council, High Blood Pressure Research of American Heart AssociationCOMMITTEES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES,

1975 Interviewer for Medical College Applicants
1976-1978 Chairman, Urinary System Committee
1976-1981 Physiology Department Representative to the Executive Committee of the College of Graduate Studies
1977-1979 Fellowships and Assistantships Committee of the College of Graduate Studies
1979-1981 Secretary, Academic Senate
1980-1981 Departmental Search Committee for Cardiovascular Physiologist
1980-1982 Traffic and Parking Commission
1982-1983 Departmental Examination Review Committee
1986- Department Representative to Academic Senate
1986-1988 Financial Aid Committee
1987-1988 Departmental Seminar Series
1987-1989 Basic Science Curriculum Subcommittee
1988- Course Director, Medical Physiology
1990-1991 Research Support Committee
1990-1997 Faculty Affairs Committee of Academic Senate
1996 LCME Basic Sciences Committee
1997- Course Director, Nursing Physiology (N257)
1997- Organ Systems Committee
1997- Pathophysiology Planning and Oversight Committee
1997- Organ Systems Committee, Renal Physiology (Chair)
1997- Organ Systems Committee, Gastrointestinal Physiology
1998- IACUC Committee

1985-1987 David M. Strick, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio
1987-1989 Meiqiu Lin, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio
1987-1989 Kevin Coyne, M.Sc., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio (MAJOR ADVISOR)
1988-1989 Eoin O'Leary, Ph.D., Department of Pharmacology, Medical University of Ohio
1992 Douglas J. Federman, M.D., M.Sc. Candidate, Department of Medicine, Medical University of Ohio
1993-1996 Nicolas DiPaola, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio
1994-1996 Todd Meredith, M.S.B.S., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio (MAJOR ADVISOR)
1994-1998 Nianning Qi, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio
1996-1998 Brandon Biesiadecki, M.S.B.S., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio (MAJOR ADVISOR). Currently doctoral candidate in Physiology at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
1999-2000 David Kennedy, M.S.B.S., Department of Physiology, Medical University of Ohio


1982-1985 Joan B. Tarloff, Ph.D.


* 1962 Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude
* Phi Beta Kappa
* New York State Regents College Scholarship
* New York State Regents Medical Scholarship
* Professor William Stradford Prize
* Honorary Jonas Salk Award
* 1978 Nominated for Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching, Class of 1978, Medical University of OhioPROFESSIONAL

1995 Local Planning Committee, Ohio Physiological Society
1993 Mentor for NIDDK minority student at Experimental Biology ’93, New Orleans, LA, March 28-31.
1993 Research Advisory Committee, Northwest Ohio Service Area, American Heart Association, Ohio Affiliate
1991 Consultant, American Institute for Research (Medical College Admissions Test)

Guest Referee:
* American Journal of Physiology
* Analytical Biochemistry
* Hypertension
* Life Sciences
* Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
* Journal of Hypertension
* Review Essentials of Renal Physiology by A. S. Reddi, M.D. for Williams and WilkinsGrant Reviewer:
* American Heart Association, Ad Hoc
* 1989-93, 1995 American Heart Association, Ohio Affiliate
* Northwest Ohio Kidney Foundation, Ad Hoc
* Veterans Administration, Ad Hoc


1. General Research Support Grant, October 10, 1975-April 9, 1977. $3,500, Principal Investigator.
2. Lactate Transport in Isolated Perfused Renal Tubule. NIH, June 15, 1976-May 31, 1979. $112,200, Principal Investigator.
3. BRS Grant, Medical University of Ohio, April 9, 1979-April 8, 1980. $3,000, Principal Investigator.
4. Mechanism of Proximal Renal Tubular Lactate Transport. NIH, December 1, 1979-November 30, 1982, $122,550, Principal Investigator.
5. Mechanism of Proximal Renal Tubular Lactate Transport. BRS, Medical University of Ohio, December 14, 1982-December 13, 1983. $4,000, Principal Investigator.
6. Organic Base Secretion by Renal Proximal Tubules. NIH, July 1, 1982-June 30, 1985. National Research Service Award for Joan Tarloff: Sponsor, Paul H. Brand. Stipend, $13,000 and $3,000 Institutional allowance per year.
7. BRS Grant, Medical University of Ohio, May 1, 1984-April 30, 1985. $4,000, Principal Investigator.
8. Arterial Pressure Regulation in Perinephritic Hypertension. Ohio Affiliate, American Heart Association, July 1, 1986-June 30, 1987. $15,000, Principal Investigator.
9. Role of the Major Pressor Systems in Support of Arterial Pressure during Perinephritic Hypertension. BRS Grant, Medical University of Ohio, April 1, 1986-March 31, 1987. $4,000, Principal Investigator.
10. Effects of Stress on Arterial Blood Pressure and Renal Excretory Function. Charles W. and Elizabeth H. Matthews Memorial Research Grant, Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio Grant, April 1, 1988-March 31, 1989. $5,675, Principal Investigator.
11. Pressure diuresis and Arterial Pressure Regulation in the Conscious Dog. BRS grant, Medical University of Ohio, February 1, 1990-January 1, 1991. $8,000. Principal Investigator.


1. COHEN, J.J., R.W. Chesney, P.H. Brand, H.F. Neville and C.F. Blanchard. Alpha Ketoglutarate Metabolism and K+ Uptake by Dog Kidney Slices. Am. J. Physiol. 217:161-169, 1969.

2. BRAND, P.H. and J.J. Cohen. The Effect of Renal Arterial Infusion Rate on Distribution of Radioisotopes. J. Appl. Physiol., 33:627-634, 1972.

3. BRAND, P.H., J.J. Cohen and M.C. Bignall. Independence of Lactate Oxidation from net Na+ Reabsorption in Dog Kidney in vivo. Am. J. Physiol., 227:1255-1262, 1974.

4. GARZA-QUINTERO, R., J.J. Cohen, P.H. Brand and Y.J. Kook. Steady-State Glucose Oxidation by Dog Kidney in vivo: Relation to Na+ Reabsorption. Am. J. Physiol., 228:549-555, 1975.

5. BRAND, P.H. and R. Stansbury. Improved Microdialysis Technique. Anal. Biochem. 94:109-111, 1979.

6. BRAND, P.H. and R. Stansbury. Peritubular Uptake of Lactate in Thamnophis Proximal Tubule. Am. J. Physiol. 238:F296-F304, 1980.

7. BRAND, P.H. and R.S. Stansbury. Lactate Absorption in Thamnophis Proximal Tubule: Transport Versus Metabolism. Am. J. Physiol. 238:F218-F228, 1980.

8. BRAND, P.H. and R.S. Stansbury. Lactate Transport in Thamnophis Proximal Tubule: Sodium Dependence. Am. J. Physiol. 240:F388-F394, 1981.

9. BRAND, P.H. and B.A. Taylor. Lactate Oxidation by Three Segments of the Rabbit Proximal Tubule. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 182:454-460, 1986.

10. TARLOFF, J.B. and P.H. Brand. Active Tetraethylammonium Uptake Across the Basolateral Membrane of Rabbit Proximal Tubules. Am. J. Physiol. 251:F141-F149, 1986.

11. BRAND, P.H., P.J. Metting and S.L. Britton. Support of Arterial Blood Pressure by Major Pressor Systems in Conscious Dogs. Am. J. Physiol. 255:H483-H491, 1988.

12. BRAND, P.H., K.B. Coyne, K. Kostrzewski, D.S. Shier, P.J. Metting, and S.L. Britton. Pressure diuresis and autonomic function in conscious dogs. Am. J. Physiol. 261:R802-R810, 1991.

13. SKARLATOS, S., DiPaola, N., Frankel, R.A., Pomerantz, R.W., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Spontaneous pressure-flow relationships in the renal circulation of conscious dogs. Am. J. Physiol. 264:H1517-H1527, 1993.

14. STEELE, J.E., Skarlatos, S., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Gravimetric method for the dynamic measurement of urine flow. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 204:70-74, 1993.

15. STEELE, J.E., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Dynamic, short-term coupling between changes in arterial pressure and urine flow. Am. J. Physiol. 265:F717-F722, 1993.

16. SKARLATOS, S., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Spontaneous changes in arterial blood pressure and renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure in conscious rats. J. Physiol. 481.3:743-752, 1994.

17. MEREDITH, T.A., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Hepatorenal reflex in the rat. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 75:1322-1327, 1997.

18. DIPAOLA, N.R., Rapp, J.P., Brand, P.H., Beierwaltes, W.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Evaluation of the renin angiotensin system in a congenic renin Dahl salt-sensitive rat. Genes and Function 1:215-226, 1997.

19. STEELE, J.E., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Spontaneous pressure diuresis in conscious rats. Trans. Nebraska Acad. Sci. 24:71-80, 1997.

20. BIESIADECKI, B.J., Brand, P.H., Koch, L.G., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L., Phenotypic variation in strength among eleven inbred strains of rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 219:126-131, 1998.

21. BIESIADECKI, B.J., Brand, P.H., Koch, L.G., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L., Phenotypic variation in sensorimotor performance among eleven inbred strains of rats. Am. J. Physiol. 276(45):R1383-R1389, 1999.

22. BIESIADECKI, B.J., Brand, P.H., Koch, L.G., and Britton, S.L. A Gravimetric method for the measurement of spontaneous activity in rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 222:65-69, 1999.

23. QI, N., Rapp, J.P., Brand, P.H., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. Body fluid expansion is not essential for salt-induced hypertension in SS/Jr rats. Am. J. Physiol. 277(46):R1392-R1400, 1999.

24. STEELE, J., Koch, L.G., and Brand, P.H. State-dependent expression of pressure diuresis in conscious rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 224:109-115, 2000.

25. BRAND, P.H., Qi, N., Metting, P.J., and Britton, S.L. A self-powered constant infusion devide for use in unrestrained rats. Am. J. Physiol. 278:H2157-H2162, 2000.

1. COHEN, J.J., C.M. Gregg, L.S. Merkens, P.H. Brand, R. Garza-Quintero, D.H. Pashley and A.J. Black. Comparison of the Oxidation Rates of Glucose and Lactate in Relation to Support of Na+ Reabsorption. Current Problems in Clin. Biochem., Vol. 8, Biochem. Nephrol., W.G. Guder, V. Schmidt, Eds., Hans Huber Publ., Bern, 1978.

2. BRAND, P.H. and J.T. Higgins, Jr. Effect of Adrenal Hormones on Water and Electrolyte Metabolism. Chapter in The Adrenal, P.J. Mulrow, Ed., Elsevier, New York, 1983.

3. BRAND, P.H. Recent Research on Some Aspects of Proximal Tubular Transport Phenomena. Chapter 7 in Basic, Clinical and Surgical Nephrology, L.J.A. Didio and P.M. Motta, Eds., Martinus Nijhof Publ., Boston, pp. 113-122, 1985.

4. BRAND, P.H. Mosby’s ACE the Boards, USMLE Step 1 Exam. Editor, Physiology Section, Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, MO, 1996.

1. BRAND, P.H. and J.J. Cohen. Lactate Oxidation Supplying Energy for Na+ Transport in Dog Kidney. Fed. Proc. 31:395, 1972.

2. BRAND, P.H. and W.H. Dantzler. Lactate Transport in Isolated Perfused Proximal Tubule of Snake (Thamnophis) Kidney. Fed. Proc. 34:392, 1975.

3. BRAND, P.H. and R. Stansbury. Lactate Absorption in Proximal Tubule. Physiologist, 22:13, 1979.

4. BRAND, P.H. and R. Stansbury. Na+ Dependence of Lactate Absorption in Proximal Tubule. Fed. Proc. 39:712, 1980.

5. BRAND, P.H. and R. Stansbury. Concentration Dependence of Lactate Transport in Thamnophis Proximal Tubule. Fed. Proc. 41:1115, 1982.

6. TARLOFF, J.B. and P.H. Brand. Tetraethylammonium Uptake by Rabbit S2 Proximal Tubules. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 17th Annual Meeting, 1984, Pg. 237.

7. TARLOFF, J.B. and P.H. Brand. Bicarbonate-Dependent Active Tetraethylammonium Uptake in Rabbit Proximal Tubule. Fed. Proc. 44:1915, 1985.

8. BRAND, P.H., S.L. Britton and P.J. Metting. Hierarchy of Blood Pressure Regulation in Conscious Dogs. The Physiologist, 29:128, 1986.

9. BRAND, P.H., S.L. Britton and P.J. Metting. Support of Blood Pressure During Autonomic Blockade. Fed. Proc. 46: 328, 1987.

10. BRAND, P.H., K. Coyne, P.J. Metting and S.L. Britton. Pressure diuresis in response to arousal in dogs. FASEB J. 4:A701, 1990.

11. BRITTON, S.L., R. Frankel, P.H. Brand, and P.J. Metting. Renal autoregulation during spontaneous changes in blood pressure. FASEB J. 4:A1076, 1990.

12. BRITTON, S.L., R. Frankel, R. Pomerantz, P.H. Brand and P.J. Metting. A baroreflex pattern is contained in the spontaneous renal pressure flow (P-F) relationship. FASEB J. 1991.

13. STEELE, J.L., P.H. Brand, P.J. Metting and S.L. Britton. Acute alterations in urine flow in anesthetized rats. Exp. Biol., 1993.

14. SKARLATOS, S., N. DiPaola, R.A. Frankel, R.W. Pomerantz, P.H. Brand, P.J. Metting and S.L. Britton. Spontaneous pressure-flow relationships in the renal circulation of conscious dogs. Exp. Biol., 1993.

15. BRITTON, S.L., .E. Steele, P.H. Brand and P.J. Metting. Influence of salt diet on spontaneous pressure diuresis in conscious rats. FASEB J, 1995.

16. DiPAOLA, N.R., J.P. Rapp, P.H. Brand, W.H. Beirwaltes, P.J. Metting, and S.L. Britton. Evaluation of the renin angiotensin system in a congenic renin Dahl salt-sensitive rat. Exp. Biol., 1997.

17. BRAND, P.H., B. Biesiadecki, P.J. Metting, L. Gerard-Koch and S.L. Britton. Wide divergence in sensorimotor function among eleven inbred rat strains. Exp. Biol., 1998.

18. BIESIADECKI, B., P.H. Brand, P.J. Metting, L. Gerard-Koch, and S.L. Britton. Analysis of coordination performance in eleven inbred rat strains. Exp. Biol., 1998.

19. QI, N., J.P. Rapp, P.J. Metting, P.H. Brand and S. L. Britton. Fluid expansion is not essential for salt-induced hypertension. Exp. Biol., 1998.

20. BRAND, P.H., N. Qi, P.J. Metting, and S.L. Britton. A Self-powered constant infusion device for use in unrestrained rats. Exp. Biol., 2000.

1979 Department of Physiology, Ohio State University, "Lactate Transport in Proximal Tubule."
1990 Department of Physiology, Northeast Ohio Universities Consortium College of Medicine, "Arterial Pressure Regulation."
1996 Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Wright State University, "Experimental Studies on the Pathophysiology of Hypertension."

1. BRAND, P.H. Role of the liver in regulation of Na+ excretion. Meadowbrook Hypertension Workshop, Oakland University, Rochester, MI. January 19-20, 1996.

2. BRAND, P.H., K. Kostrzewski, K. Coyne, D. Shier, P.J. Metting and S.L. Britton. Behavioral hypertension and sodium excretion in dogs. 10th Annual Hypertension Retreat, Meadow Brook Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI. January 20-21, 1989.

3. BRAND, P.H. Control of hypertension thanks to the American Heart Association. American Heart Association, Ohio Affiliate, Inc., Ottawa County Division, April 27, 1987.

Course Director, Medical Physiology, 1988 -1998
Course Director, N257 Human Physiology, College of Nursing, 1997-present

Medical Students: Medical Physiology: Approximately 15 hrs/yr, 1975-present. Body Fluids, Renal Physiology, Acid-Base Balance, Gastrointestinal Physiology. Lectures and Small Group discussions. Pathophysiology Facilitator. Physiology Essays. Prematriculation program. National Board Examination review session. Review Learning Issues, Introduction to Primary Care Course.

Systems course:

Approximately 25 hours/year, 2000 - . Body Fluids, Renal Physiology, Acid-Base Balance, Gastrointestinal Physiology. Lectures and Small Group discussions. Pathophysiology Facilitator.

Nursing (undergraduate and MSc.N.), Physical Therapy, Industrial Hygiene, and Pharmacy Students:

Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Renal, Fluid And Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Physiology.

Graduate courses:

Readings in Cardiovascular Physiology; Physiology of the Kidneys and Body Fluids. Weekly Journal Paper Review in Physiology. Basic Science Interdepartmental Seminar. Independent Study (Physiology of Exercise), Course #13.689/13.889.

CME Lecture:
Potassium and Acid-Base Balance.

Postgraduate Medical Lecture:

Sodium balance in Pregnancy. Ob-Gyn Residents.

Lectures Attended:
Workshop: Teach the Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Symposium, Medical University of Ohio, October 2, 1998.