
University Libraries

University Libraries Reservations FAQ

How can I access my reservation space?
Patron must have a valid Rocket ID in good standing (no excessive fines or blocks) to check out the key/access code to a
reservation space from the circulation desk.

Can I make a walk-in reservation?
Due to staffing and security purposes, we cannot accommodate walk in reservations at this time.

I am a student. Can I book any room in the library?
At this time students may only use the Student Org. Suite for organizational Purposes and the Student Interview Room
for individual purposes. The Student Org. Suite can be booked through the same way you would request meeting spaces
elsewhere on campus. The Student Interview Room can be booked using the Room Reservation Form on the library's website.

Can I bring food into the library for my event/meeting?
Groups may provide food or arrange catering in the library as long as they adhere to University catering policies. Group
is responsible for all ordering and acceptance. Please schedule catering drop off immediately prior and pick up
immediately following reservation.

Can I make reoccurring reservations?
Reoccurring weekly reservations may be accommodated for a singular semester. (i.e. every Tuesday)聽Due to room limitations and high traffic of our reservation spaces multiple weekday reoccurring reservations may not be聽accommodated (i.e. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).

Can I make weekend reservations?
Weekend reservations will be accepted if the room can be used "as is". Alternative room arrangements or special聽request will not be accommodated. Limited technology support will be available.

Can I make a reservation after library hours?
Due to building security we do not accept reservations for events in the library after hours.

What if I need help using/learning the technology?
The IT Desk will be available to assist with troubleshooting throughout your reservation, for more extensive聽walkthroughs or tutorials for technology offered in our spaces please contact Mitchell Rice聽to set up an appointment.

Questions can be directed to libraryreservations@utoledo.edu