
College of Law

The College of Law was one of the first American law schools to embrace clinical legal education. Law students gain practical, real-world legal skills through supervised legal practice under the guidance of the college's clinical faculty.

from theory to practice

Development of professional skills is integral to your success as a practicing attorney. At Toledo Law, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a live-client clinic or externship before you graduate. The college also offers a number of cutting-edge simulation courses and a robust appellate and trial advocacy program.

Legal Clinics & externships

Our clinics and externships enable you to hone your skills while providing high-quality legal services to individuals and groups in our community. You will be placed in a supervised setting, where you will learn practical and professional skills as you explore the role of a practicing attorney, prosecutor, judge, or mediator. You'll benefit from a rigorous and dynamic educational experience, where you will "learn by doing."

Instruction in the college's clinics includes small classes and direct supervision from clinical professors actively engaged in the practice of law. Externships provide you with greater insight into the workings of the legal system.

  • Civil Advocacy Clinic  -  Gain experience in civil (or non-criminal) areas of legal practice and advocacy, including interviewing, counseling, research, discovery, negotiation, pleading and motion practice, alternative dispute resolution, court appearances, trial preparation and practice, and appeals.
  • Corporate Counsel Externship  -  Explore the work of corporate counsel within for-profit and nonprofit businesses, including contract review, real estate transactions, securities law, negotiations, and corporate compliance.
  • Immigrant Justice Clinic - Represent local community members on family and humanitarian immigration cases, including people seeking family reunification and safety from domestic violence, persecution, torture, and human trafficking. 
  • Mediation Externship  -  Train as a mediator in local court systems to help parties resolve disputes outside of litigation.
  • Public Service Externship  -  Learn about the responsibilities of public service attorneys within courts, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.
  • Tax Controversy Clinic  -  Assist taxpayers handling disputes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including audits, appeals, and collection matters.

Simulation Courses

Simulation courses emphasize practical learning in the classroom. Simulation course examples include Constitutional Litigation, Criminal Law Simulation, Employment Law Drafting, Negotiation Theory and Strategy, Pretrial Litigation, and Social Media Discovery.

Moot Court & Mock Trial

Build on practical skills through our intra- and inter-scholastic Moot Court and Trial Advocacy programs. Moot Court lets you practice your written and oral advocacy skills in mock appeals cases. As a Trial Advocacy Team member, you'll prepare and compete in mock trial competitions against law schools across the country. Toledo Law faculty members serve as advisors.

Appellate Advocacy Competition

Our annual Charles W. Fornoff Appellate Advocacy Competition is a rite of passage for many of our law students. The competition tests your skills. It begins in the spring of your first year and continues into the following fall semester. The double-elimination tournament culminates with a final round held each fall in the auditorium packed with faculty, family members, and peers. The final panel of judges typically includes federal judges and state supreme court justices. Faculty members are heavily involved in the competition — judging every student round and providing advice to competitors.

Law Review

is a student-run publication devoted to current legal issues, including articles by legal scholars and practitioners, comments by students about new developments in the law, and discussions by students on noteworthy cases. As a Law Review member, you'll gain practical skills in legal research, writing, and editing.

Experiential Learning Requirement

Experiential Learning Requirement

Toledo Law offers a rich array of experiential learning courses providing substantial instruction in professional skills, which are essential to your success as a practicing attorney.

Review Course Options

Career Compass

Career Compass

A law degree can lead to a successful legal career in business, government, nonprofit organizations, health care, sports, entertainment, and more. Our Career Compass provides you with career maps to help you chart your pathway to practice.

Explore Career Compass

Visit Toledo Law

Visit Toledo Law

Only a campus visit will allow you to experience the strong sense of community and friendly environment at Toledo Law. Meet with a member of our admissions team, tour the Law Center building, and observe a law class. Virtual and in-person options are available.

Schedule Your Visit