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CHEM 1090, Elementary Chemistry, does not countEXSC 2560 Anatomy & Physiology I 3EXSC 2460Anatomy & Physiology I Lab 1Physics or Chemistry3 Core Electives (9 hours) (select 9 hours of Math, Humanities, Social Sciences, and/or Natural Sciences courses from the UT core): 333 Multicultural Studies (6 hours) Students may satisfy both of the two multicultural requirements with approved courses that simultaneously fulfill another area of the core.U.S.3Non-west3 Required Related Courses (12 hours)SPED 2040Perspectives in Field of Exceptionalities 3SPED 4110 Curriculum & Methods for Moderate NeedsSPED 20403Select Two of the FollowingHEAL 1800Medical Terminology3HEAL 2500 Personal Health 3HEAL 2600Mental Health3HEAL 4560Health Problems of Aging3COUN 2220Family Theories and Cultural Influences 3COUN 4080Essentials of Helping Relationships 3 Course Number Course NamePre-Req. or Co-Req.Date CompletedApproved Sub.GradeCredit HoursSpeech-Language Pathology Major Courses SLP 2400Communication Disorders Introduction (Fall/Spring)3SLP 3010Clinical Phonetics (Spring)SLP 3150 (co-req)4SLP 3020Anatomy & Physiology of Speech & Hearing Mechanism (Fall)4SLP 3030Normal Language Acquisition (Fall)SLP 2400 (pre/co)4SLP 3150Speech/Hearing Science (Spring)SLP 30204SLP 3200Articulation /Phonological Disorders (Fall)SLP 30104SLP 3300Language Disorders (Spring)SLP30304SLP 3400Clinical Audiology (Fall)Jr/Sr3SLP 3800Methods for Clinical Intervention (Fall/Spring)3.0 in major courses & SLP 3200 or 33003SLP 4000Beginning Clinical Practicum (Fall/Spring)SLP 3800 (pre-req)2Possible electives when available:SLP 4350Elective  2SLP 4910Directed Research in Speech-Language Pathology  3 Strongly Encouraged Electives (i.e., graduate programs at other universities may require; assist in preparation for GRE; recommended for ASHA Certification)RESEARCH FOCUS (research, stats, methodology)BIOL1120Survey of Biology 3BIOL 1120Survey of Biology Lab 1LING 3150 or 3190Linguistic Principles or Sociolinguistics3PSY 2510 PSY 3410Lifespan Developmental Psychology and/or Psychology of Language3PSY 3400; PSY 3610Cognitive Neuropsychology or Behavioral Neuroscience (Spring only)3MATH 1340; MATH 1750; MATH 1850Higher-level Math (e.g., College Algebra & Trigonometry, Calculus for the Life Sciences; Calculus I)3 Possible Electives EDUCATION FOCUSDST 2020Introduction to Disability Studies  DST 2020Introduction to Disability Studies EDP 3280 Foundations of Teaching and Learning EDP 3290Lifespan DevelopmentLING 4140Language in the African American Community PSY 2510 PSY 3410Lifespan Developmental Psychology and/or Psychology of LanguagePSY 3400; PSY 3610Cognitive Neuropsychology or Behavioral Neuroscience (Spring only)SPED 4260Family and Professional Partnerships in Special EducationCourse Number Course NamePre-Req. *Co-Req.Date CompletedApproved Sub.GradeCredit HoursPossible Electives PUBLIC POLICY FOCUSALS 3060Personal Health Information HEAL 3300Drug Awareness HEAL 3600Prevention & Control of Disease HEAL 4800Public Health and Research Statistics SOCW 3070Child & Family Services Possible Electives HEALTH CARE (AUDIOLOGY) FOCUSALS 3040Health Care Communication  ALS 3060Personal Health InformationDST 2020Introduction to Disability Studies EDP 3290Lifespan DevelopmentHCAR 4530Problem Solving in Health Care EnvironmentHCR 3000Introduction to Health Care AdministrationHCR 4360Quality Improvement in Health CareHCR 4550Health Care FinanceHEAL 3300Drug Awareness  HEAL 3600Prevention & Control of Disease HEAL 3800Death & DyingSOC 4180Medical Sociology SOC 4190Social GerontologySPED 3670 American Sign Language Possible Electives MATH FOCUSHCR 4550Health Care FinanceHEAL 4800Public Health and Research StatisticsMATH 1340; MATH 1750; MATH 1850Higher-level Math (e.g., College Algebra & Trigonometry, Calculus for the Life Sciences; Calculus I)MATH 3610Statistical Methods IMATH 3620Statistical Methods IIPSY 2100Statistical MethodsPossible Electives (must have 120 total credits to graduate. SEE YOUR ADVISOR.)SCIENCE FOCUSBIOL 1120Survey of Biology Lab BIOL1120Survey of BiologyLING 4180The Representation of Language in the Brain PSY 3620Sensory Processes  Course Number Course NamePre-Req. or Co-Req.Date CompletedApproved Sub.GradeCredit HoursCOUNSELING FOCUS (Possible Minor-20 credit hours see advisor)COUN 1110Fundamentals of Human Mental Health4COUN 1240Substance Abuse Issues in MH3COUN 2120Group and Therapeutic Approaches4COUN 2220Family Theories & Cultural Influences in Mental Health3COUN 3110Case Management in Mental Health3COUN 3140Substance Abuse Prevention & Community Programming3COUN 3150Models of Treatment for Substance Abuse3COUN 3220Theories in Mental Health3COUN 4080Essentials in Helping Relationships3COUN 4240Substance Abuse Treatment Techniques3 Disabilities Focus (Possible Minor-18 credit hours see advisor) DST 2020Introduction to Disability Studies 3 DST 4940Internship 3 DST 3030Disability Culture OR 3 DST 3060U.S. Disability History OR spring3 DST 3090Disability and American Literature 3 DST 3250Disability & Life Writing DST 3980Special Topics in DST  DST 4400Gender and Disability  DST 4640Disability, Law, and Human Rights  DST 4980Special Topics in DST  A minimum of 120 semester hours required for graduation. ýĻƷ, College of Health Sciences, and the above named student hereby agree that the course requirements or approved substitutions listed on the curriculum sheet must be satisfactorily completed in order to be considered eligible for graduation within the program. Students must meet the general graduation requirements listed in the University of Toledo Health Sciences College bulletin in effect as of the date of this Agreement, including the requirements of a minimum 2.0 grade point average overall and in the major area (unless otherwise dictated by your major). Students must complete at least 64 hours at the 2000 course level or above; 32 hours must be at the 3000 to 4000 course level. A minimum of 120 semester/credit hours needed for graduation. This agreement must be revalidated if the student is not enrolled in the College for two or more consecutive semesters, excluding summer. _____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Student Signature Date Advisor Signature Date Catalog Year _____________________________________     PAGE  PAGE 2 Updated 1/2019 JMG Updated 01/19JMG  !"%&'+8>RVXYZiu  # - / R U c e j k l m w y ˻룚뚖{sjha5OJQJhaOJQJhUOJQJh;+MOJQJha hmn5CJhmnhmn5OJQJhjyOJQJhOJQJhmOJQJhlOJQJhHUOJQJh OJQJhOJQJhw$OJQJhEOJQJhmnOJQJhohmnCJh`q)YZiu~ Ff$If$Ifgd`q$a$gdl " $Ifukd$$Ifl4L++    &0+44 laf4p &" # 6 V f g h i j l m {vmm $IfgdmnFfO $Ifgdjy$Ifukd$$Ifl4L++    &0+44 laf4p & y      " B S T U V W b h j |rjfjh`qjh`qUh`qOJQJ^Jh8h`q5OJQJ^Jh`q5OJQJ^Jhi9hmnCJ OJQJaJ hFaOJQJhaCJOJQJhOJQJhahUOJQJha5CJOJQJhaCJOJQJh OJQJh;+MOJQJha5OJQJhaOJQJ$        " O P Q R S U V W FfFfm $IfgdFf^ $Ifgdmn $Ifgdjy   ` a b h i j k q r s t u    + G N O P ` a b j k ̺̲ԣԛ̄whmn5CJOJQJ\ha5OJQJhghgCJOJQJhgOJQJhi9hmnCJ OJQJaJ h{OJQJhPOJQJhmnCJOJQJhmnOJQJhmnhmn5OJQJjh`q0J!OJQJU^Jhh`q0J!OJQJ^J)W a ukd$$Ifl4    L++  &0    44 laf4p &$Ifa b c d e f g h j $Ifukd$$Ifl4    L++  &0    44 laf4p &j k l m n *$$$$Ifkd$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    44 lan o p q s $Ifs t u *"$If$a$gdi9kd\$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    44 la       {{{{{{{ $Ifgdgzkd $$Ifl4    L++  &0    +44 laf4p &ytg   H % $Ifgdgkd$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+H  * *0    +44 laytgH I J K L N $IfgdgN O P %#kd$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+H**0    +44 laytg  " # $ ( ) - 3 O P Q U V W ^ k p q r s t ¾|pg_h`qOJQJh`q5OJQJh`qCJ OJQJaJ hahJv OJQJhw$OJQJh|OJQJhaOJQJhhCJOJQJhOJQJh%OJQJhmnhmnOJQJh^Nh^N6CJOJQJ\h^Nh^NCJOJQJ\h^NCJOJQJ\h^N5CJOJQJ\#P " # $ % & ( ~ulfffff$If $Ifgdl $Ifgdmnwkd:$$Ifl4    L++  &0    +44 laf4p & $Ifgd^N ( ) 3 O "$Ifkd$$Ifl4    ֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 laf4ytO P Q R S U $IfU V W "$Ifkd$$Ifl4    ֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 laf4ytW l m n o p r $Ifgdg$If $Ifgd^Nr s t (& $IfgdCkd$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F     * * 0    +44 la   *,45 ɺ{{okd`Xhi9OJQJh8?A~uluuuuu $IfgdG; $Ifgdmnwkd/$$Ifl4L++     &0+44 laf4p & $Ifgdmn 9:?@ABXtu~ ,-23defgjklmܲܲh Vh VCJOJQJh~jOJQJh VOJQJh+6OJQJhTOJQJhi9CJOJQJhM5oOJQJhi9h;+MOJQJhi9OJQJhJ\tOJQJhG;OJQJ;ABMu% $Ifgdmnkd$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 laytG;u $Ifgdmn% $Ifgdmnkd$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 laytG;{{{{{{{ $Ifgdmnzkd $$Ifl4L++   ` 0+44 laf4p yt~\( $Ifgdmnkd7!$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 la $Ifgdmn $IfgdJ\t( $Ifgdmnkd"$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 la $Ifgdmn ,( $Ifgd Vkd"$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 la,-./02 $Ifgd V23=( $Ifgdmnkd#$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 la=fghijl $Ifgdmn $IfgdJ\tlmw( $Ifgdmnkdo$$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 law $Ifgdmn $IfgdJ\t(&&kd=%$$IflL֞  D%n(+F F** 0+44 la-./\jqrøôqmcYcqhs!CJOJQJh;+MCJOJQJh;+M *h=vxh;+MCJOJQJaJhs!CJOJQJaJhs!h;+MCJOJQJaJh;+MOJQJhs!OJQJhmnOJQJhmnhlhaB*phhlhmnB*phh8$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 laytW}$%&YZ#$X[\^{|!"ƺssshsh 56OJQJhA_h OJQJh OJQJh hTh 5OJQJh 5OJQJhThz5OJQJhThT5OJQJhlCJ OJQJh3CJ OJQJhJ\tOJQJhaOJQJhlhJ\tOJQJhlhaOJQJ* $Ifgd-[%##kd>$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 laytW%~u $Ifgd"wkd?$$IflL++     0+44 lap yt8 $Ifgd`q%&/STUVXY~~~~~~~ $Ifgd wkd'@$$IflL++     0+44 lap ytlYZc% $Ifgd kd@$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd % $Ifgd kdA$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd % $Ifgd kd>B$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd % $Ifgd kdB$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 !"# $Ifgd #$-6% $Ifgd kdC$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt86_vwxyz{ $Ifgd {|% $Ifgd kdfD$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd % $Ifgd kdE$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 ! $Ifgd !"1% $Ifgd8kdE$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8"1<=NOlr&']^CDgh12RS!"#$/089ÿh!;xh8OJQJhp2h4@hp25OJQJhoOJQJhTh85OJQJh8OJQJ hUh8h8h85OJQJG1=FO^lrgwkdwJ$$IflL++     0+44 lap yt8 $Ifgd`qFf!H $Ifgd8 $Ifgd8 ~~~~~~~ $Ifgd8wkdK$$IflL++  0+44 lap yt8% $Ifgd8kdK$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8!% $Ifgd8kduL$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8!"#$%& $Ifgd8&'1X% $Ifgd8kd-M$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8XYZ[\] $Ifgd8]^h% $Ifgd8kdM$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8% $Ifgd`qkdN$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8~ $Ifgd8wkdUO$$IflL++     0+44 lap yt8~~~~~~~ $Ifgd8wkdO$$IflL++  0+44 lap yt8 % $Ifgd8kdP$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8    $Ifgd8>% $Ifgd8kdSQ$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8>?@ABC $Ifgd8CDMb% $Ifgd8kd R$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8bcdefg $Ifgd8ghr% $Ifgd8kdR$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8% $Ifgd8kd{S$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8 % $Ifgd8kd3T$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8      $Ifgd8,% $Ifgd8kdT$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8,-./01 $Ifgd812<L% $Ifgd8kdU$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8LMNOQR $Ifgd8RS]~% $Ifgd8kd[V$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8~ $Ifgd8% $Ifgd8kdW$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8% $Ifgd8kdW$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8% $Ifgd8kdX$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8 $Ifgd8 % $Ifgd8kd;Y$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8      $Ifgd8#% $Ifgd`qkdY$$Ifl    L֞ D%n(+F**0    +44 layt8#$/~ $IfgdyF;wkdZ$$Ifl    L++  0    +44 lap ytl/09MNOPQR~~~~~~~ $Ifgd8wkdX[$$Ifl    L++  0    +44 lap ytl9LMRS\]39:[`a~  '-.78dejk8 : ? 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