College of Graduate Studies Policy on Time Limitation for Degrees
According to the University of Toledo General Catalog, it is the policy that credit applied towards the master’s degree and education specialist degree must have been earned within the period of six years immediately preceding the time the degree is awarded, credit applied for the doctoral degree must have been earned within seven years immediately preceding the time the degree is awarded (combined M.D./Ph.D. program limit is ten years). Certificate programs must be completed within four years.
Out-of-Date Coursework
Requests for extensions beyond one year require additional information and supporting
documentation. The central consideration in determining whether more time can be
allowed is whether the student’s knowledge of the subject matter is current at the
time of graduation. For students in a master’s, education specialist, or certificate
program, there are several ways this may be demonstrated including:
• The student is teaching the subject matter in a separate context.
• The student has been examined (written or oral) by a current instructor of the course
to determine his/her currency of knowledge.
• The student will be examined on the subject matter during his/her final oral defense
of the thesis or during the comprehensive exam.
• Passing a more advanced course in the same subject area that clearly utilizes and
builds upon the work of the lower level course.
• Publishing scholarly research demonstrating substantial knowledge of the course
• Completion of an independent study to address a particular deficiency.
• Professional development activities and/or professional experiences that are documented
by evidence such as samples of work related projects relevant to course content with
an explanation for how they are applied on the job.
For students in doctoral programs, advisors are asked to explain how the committee
will certify that the student’s knowledge of the appropriate content will be current
at the time the degree will be granted.
Graduate Readmission
If a student exceeds the time allotted for the degree or fails to register for courses
for two consecutive terms (exclusive of summer), the matriculation for that student
will be closed. If the student wishes to be readmitted to his/her program, the student
must apply for readmission. The readmission application will include a new plan of
study showing all courses from the original admission and the readmission that will
be used towards the degree and written statements from both the student and advisor.Â
Any courses that will be out-of-date at the time of expected graduation must be re-certified
as described above. Students readmitted will be responsible to complete their degree
requirements under the catalog rules in effect at the time of readmission, unless
specific approval indicating prior catalog rules will be applied.