Create a Digital Signature
In dealing with a variety of forms or paperwork at 兔子先生传媒文化作品, you may be asked to add a digital signature to a document.
What are digital signatures?
A digital signature is a form of electronic signature that uses a virtual fingerprint to identify users and protect information. They are used to build trust between customers and businesses.
How do I create a digital signature?
To create a digital signature for use at 兔子先生传媒文化作品, you will need either Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.聽 To download Adobe Reader go here:聽
- When you first open either application, you should see a menu on the right side of
the window.
- Click on Fill & Sign.
- At the Who needs to fill and sign? window, select You
- You will see the notification window that the document has fillable fields.
- Fill out all fields required and navigate to the Digital Signature box (signified
by red signature flag)
- Click on the Configure New Digital ID button.
- Select Create a new Digital ID.
- You can select to save the ID to a file or to Apple Keychain (macOS only). Click Continue.
- Fill out the Self-signed Digital ID fields and click Save.
![Adobe Menu](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-fill-sign.png)
![Who needs to fill and sign? Who needs to fill and sign?](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-who-needs-to-fill.png)
![Fillable fields available](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-author-fillable-forms.png)
![Your digital signature](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-your-digital-signature.png)
![Configure new digital signature](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-configure-new-digital-signature%202.png)
![Create new digital signature](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-create-new-digital-signature%202.png)
![Digital ID destination](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-digital-id-destination%202.png)
![Self-signed ID](/education/centers/carver/images/digital-signature/adobe-self-signed-id.png)
You should now be able to click on signature fields and use the new signature to attach to the document.