Department of World Languages and Cultures

Dr. Gaby Semaan

Dr Gaby Semaan, director of middle east studies program
Director of Middle East Studies & Coordinator of Arabic Program
Department of World Languages and Cultures
Field House 2400N (MS 127)


Dr. Semaan is communication and media specialist and an expert on the Middle East politics and cultures. He holds a Ph.D from BGSU in Communication with a specialization in Intercultural Communication and cognates in Organizational Communication, Education and Language Teaching. He is an associate professor and the Director of Middle East Studies and the coordinator of the Arabic program at the University of Toledo. Dr. Semaan also co-directed the Summer Arabic Intensive Program at California State University San Bernardino from 2011 to 2016. He has numerous publications in national and international journals and is an active presenter at regional, national and international conferences. His areas of research include cultural identity of Arab Americans and Arab diaspora in the U.S. and Europe. Dr. Semaan also researches and publishes in the field of global competence and language teaching pedagogy. Currently he has ongoing projects researching about the Arab refugees in Germany.

Media Projects with Students (Selected)

Knowledge Stream


  • Ph. D. Communication Studies, Bowling Green State University (December 2007). Specialization: Intercultural Communication
  • Secondary Areas of Study: Organizational Communication, Education and Language Teaching.

Selected Publications

Semaan, G., Doueiri, D., & Cuevas, R. (2016) Journal of National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages

Semaan, G., & Yamazaki, K.(2105). pp. 511-520. (Double blinded peer refereed journal)

Semaan, G. (2015) . (R) XXIV(2), pp. 174-191. (Double blinded peer refereed journal)

Semaan, G. (2014). . , pp. 17-32. (Double blinded peer refereed journal)

Semaan, G. (2013). Arabs in America: An Historical Perspective. The 2013 Hawaii University International Conferences (HUIC) on Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences. Honolulu, HI: HUIC. (Peer reviewed, conference proceedings)

Mishra, S. & Semaan, G. (2010). 54:1, pp.87-101.Washington, DC. (Double blinded peer refereed journal)

Semaan, G. (2010) Arab Americans Cultural Identity in Toledo: A Unique Tile in the Glass City Mosaic. In S. Abu-Absi (ed.), Arab Americans in Toledo Cultural Assimilation and Community Involvement. University of Toledo Press. pp. 26-28.

Conference Presentations & Workshops (Selected)

Semaan,G. (2018). French Arabs: Factors Influencing their Acculturation. The 24th International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies Conference, Chicago, IL.

Semaan, G. (2018). The Arab Refugees in Germany: Facts and Fictions. The 24th International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies Conference, Chicago, IL. July 2018.

Semaan,G. & Yamazaki, K. (2017). What’s “app” with you!? Recommendations from educators. A round-table session conducted at the 54rd annual Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA) conference, Columbus, OH.

Semaan,G. & Yamazaki,K. (2017). Language classroom and global competence: Building the bridges. The 54rd annual Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA) conference, Columbus, OH.

Semaan, G. (2017). Five Activities to Boost Your Classroom’s Performance, Fluency and Possibilities. Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Semaan, G. & Yamazaki, K. (2017).Classroom management issues: Real solutions for real problems. The 49th annual Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language. (CSCTFL), Chicago, IL.

Yamazaki, K. & Semaan, G. Performance-based digital storytelling: The way to advance proficiency and possibilities. The 49th annual Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language (CSCTFL), Chicago, IL.

Doueiri, D. & Semaan,G. (2016, October). Transcending the Language Classroom: Planning a Comprehensive STARTALK Program. Dany Doueiri & Gaby Semaan. Startalk Fall Conference.

Doueiri, D. & Semaan,G. (2016, June). Against All Odds: Building the Largest Critical World Language Program in the Midst of One of the Most Challenged Communities. . 2016 Annual International Conference of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.

Doueiri, D. & Semaan,G. (2016, May). Participant Engagement and Learning with Technology: Transcending the Basics. Startalk Spring Conference.

Yamazaki, K., & Semaan, G. (2016). Visual novels for the three modes of communication. Workshop conducted at the 48th annual CSCTFL in conjugation with the annual conference of the OFLA, Columbus, OH.

Semaan, G. & Doueiri, D. (2015) Inspire, Engage and Transform through Digital Storytelling. ACTFL.

Yamazaki, K., & Semaan, G. (2015). Creating hybrid foreign language classes: Advantages, design, and challenges. Paper presented at the 47th annual Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language (CSCTFL), Minneapolis, MN.