
Department of World Languages and Cultures

An Chung Cheng, Chair


An Chung Cheng, Ph. D.
Professor of Spanish, Chair of Department of World Languages and Cultures
Office: Memorial Field House 2400 L
Phone: 419-530-2146
E-Mail: Anchung.Cheng@utoledo.edu

  • Coordinator of Elementary and Intermediate Spanish program
  • Advisor of Master of Arts in Spanish
  • Director of Asian Studies Program/Institute
  • Advisor of Multi-Age Foreign Language Education Program (undergraduate and Licensure and Master’s Program (LAMP)


Ph.D., Applied Linguistics (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.A., Spanish (Pedagogy)
M.A., International Affairs (Latin American Studies)
Ohio University
B.A., Spanish
Fu-Jen Catholic University

An Chung Cheng, Ph.D, specialized in second language acquisition and teacher education, is a professor of Spanish in the Department of World Languages and Cultures and is also the department chair.? She is the coordinator of the Elementary and Intermediate Spanish Program and the advisor of Master of Arts in Spanish.? Dr. Cheng directs Asian Studies Institute and Asian Studies Program/ in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies of the College of Arts and Letters.? As an affiliated faculty with the Judith Herb College of Education, she teaches and advises students of Multi-Age Foreign Language Education Program at undergraduate level and Licensure and Master’s Program (LAMP) in foreign languages.

Professor Cheng’s research areas include instructed second language acquisition, third language acquisition, multilingualism, heritage language education, input processing, corpus-based approach in second language acquisition, and teacher research. She has been involved in teaching, research and service in community-based Chinese heritage schools. As a principal investigator, she led a on (2009-2013), funded by the International Research and Studies Grant of the US Department of Education. She was the PI/Program Director of for teachers of community-based Chinese heritage schools funded by NSA in six consecutive years since 2013. Internationally, Dr. Cheng has engaged in several corpus-based research projects and eye-movement studies on the L3 Spanish acquisition of Chinese-speaking learners in collaboration with Dr. Hui-Chuan Lu of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. These grants were funded by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology or Ministry of Education in Taiwan, Republic of China since 2006.

Dr. Cheng has also regularly served as a reviewer for publishers and professional organizations and as an officer in professional organizations. She served as the secretary, vice chair, and chair of ACTFL Less Commonly Taught Languages Special Interest Group in 2012-2017.? She has been the vice president (2016-2018) and the president (2018-2020) of the . She is the reviewer of the Programs for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers seeking national recognition by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). She has been the co-chair of Ohio Transfer Assurance Guides?(TAGs) Spanish review committee since 2015.

Grants awarded as a PI (Selected):

  • Program Director/ PI and Instructor of “STARTALK-CHELER Chinese Leadership Program for Chinese Heritage School Teachers,” 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018, sponsored by National Security Agency, managed by the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland, near USD $90,000 each year
  • Program Director of “2017 STARTALK-CHELER Chinese Heritage Language Learning and Teaching,” STARTALK Infrastructure Grant, May 23, 2017 - March 31, 2018. $84,281. Website developed: http://www.utoledo.edu/grants/startalk
  • Principal Investigator of “Maximizing the National Resource: Chinese as a Model for Heritage Language Development with Community Involvement,” sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education for the International Research and Studies Program (Title VI). Grant period: August 1, 2009 - August 31, 2013, $492,441.

Publications (Selected):?

Articles in professional journals and proceedings (refereed)

  • Lu, H.-C., Cheng, A.C., Wang, S., (2019). The development and evaluation of a corpus-based Spanish collocation error detection and revision suggestion tool, Linguamática 11, 55-65. DOI: 10.21814/lm.11.1.271.
  • Lu, H. C., Cheng, A. C., and Hung, S. Y. (2019). Corpus-based Study of L3 Acquisition on Spanish Past Tense: Evidence from Learners’ Oral Production. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 14, 105-115.
  • Lu, H.-C., Cheng, A.C. (2016). Rasgos semánticos a partir de corpus y su aplicación en el aprendizaje de la estructura ‘ser/estar+adjetivo’ en espa?ol, Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 68, 117-137.
  • Lu, H.-C., Cheng, A. C., & Hung, S.-Y. (2015) La adquisición del tiempo-aspecto en L3 para los aprendices taiwaneses, Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación, 200-217.
  • Lu, H. C., & Cheng, A. C. (2015). Estudio de verbos copulativos a partir de corpus de aprendices. Porta Linguarum, 205-220.
  • Cheng, A. C. (2012). Community-level Language Planning for Chinese Heritage Language Maintenance in the United States, Journal of National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, 12: 107-131.
  • Cheng, A. C., Lu, H.-C., & Giannakouros, P. (2008). The uses of Spanish copulas by Chinese-speaking learners in a free writing task.? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 3, 301-317.
  • Lu, H.-C. & Cheng, A. C. (2007). Método de procesamiento y adquisición de la selección de verbos copulativos por los aprendices Taiwaneses.Encuentros en Catay, 269-287.
  • Cheng, A. C. & Lu, H.-C. (2007) Form and meaning connections in foreign language acquisition: A case of form with semantic-aspectual values, Journal of Humanities Research, 3, 191-126.
  • Cheng, A. C. and Mojica-Díaz, C. (2006). The effects of formal instruction and study abroad on improving proficiency: The case of the Spanish subjunctive. Applied Language Learning, 16, 17-36.
  • Cheng, A. C. and Mojica-Díaz, Clara (2006). The effects of formal instruction and study abroad on improving proficiency: The case of the Spanish subjunctive. Applied Language Learning, 16, 17-36.
  • Cheng, A. C. (2002). The effects of processing instruction on the acquisition of ser and estar. Hispania 85, 2, 308-323.

Book chapters

  • Cheng, A. C. (2017) 侨教华文教师培训课程设计:以美国STARTALK (星谈计划)经验为例。 [Designing the Curriculum for a Teacher Professional Development Program for Chinese Heritage Schools: A STARTALK Experience in the United States], in Tsai, Ya-Hsung (Ed.), 侨教研究第二辑:策略与教学 [Studies of Strategies and Teaching for Overseas Chinese], (p. 13-28). Taipei, Taiwan: Shu-Ling Publishing.
  • Cheng, A. C. (2004). Processing instruction and Spanish ser and estar: forms with semantic-aspectual values. In B. VanPatten, (Ed.) Processing Instruction: Theory, Research and Commentary. (pp. 119-141). Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc.