
Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology Statement on Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is expected from students enrolled in courses and programs offered by the Department of Psychology; violations of this expectation will not be tolerated.

Violations of the expectation of academic honesty include, but are not limited to:

  • Obtaining or attempting to obtain a copy of an examination prior to its administration.
  • The unauthorized use of study material or textbooks during an examination.
  • Obtaining unauthorized assistance from and giving unauthorized assistance to another individual during an examination or completion of an assignment.
  • Plagiarism in written assignments. Plagiarism includes: (a) using, copying or paraphrasing another author's materials without appropriate acknowledgment through quotation and citation; (b) unauthorized collaboration in the preparation of reports, term papers, or theses.

In accordance with the Policy Statement in the University Catalog, instructors have the responsibility and right to bring cases of alleged dishonesty to department, college, and university administrative units. Students involved in academic dishonesty may expect to receive a grade of F on specific assignments, as well as in the course where the assignment was made.