
Department of Psychology

C.V. Kamala London

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Kamala London, Ph.D.

University of Toledo
Department of Psychology
2801 West Bancroft Street Mailstop 948
Toledo, OH 43606

Phone 419.530.2352
Fax 419.530.8479



2024 - Present University of Toledo, Department of Psychology, Professor & Department Chair

2017-present University of Toledo, Department of Psychology, Professor

2014-2016 University of Toledo, Department of Psychology, Assoc. Prof. & Assoc. Chair

2010-2016 University of Toledo, Department of Psychology, Associate Professor

2005- 2010 University of Toledo, Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor

2001-2005 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, NIH T-32 Postdoctoral Fellowship


1997-2001 Ph.D., Developmental Psychology with minor in Statistics, with honors in the Psychology and the Statistics departments. University of Wyoming

1995-1997 M.S., Developmental Psychology with minor in Statistics. University of Wyoming

1989-1993 B.A., Psychology and Political Science, with honors, Grand Valley State University.

1990-1993 Paid internship: College level paid police intern, Grand Rapids Police Department, Michigan. Took police reports, worked in juvenile unit.


Memory and suggestibility in children and adolescents, children and the law, disclosure of child maltreatment, forensic interviews in typical and atypically developing children, and forensic bias


Featured as an expert in child witnesses in Emmy-award winning Showtime 5-part docuseries, "Outcry," released November 2020.

Featured as an expert in child witnesses in a docuseries that aired in November 2020 called "The Crimes that Changed Us" (Episode on the McMartin Preschool trial) on the Discovery Channel.

Featured as an expert in 20 child witnesses in the documentary video "A Mother鈥檚 Grief: The Story of Amanda Lewis" by Geoergetown Prisons and Justice Initiative.


Publication Summary

  • 40 peer-reviewed journal articles (11 first author, 16 student first author)
  • 2 co-authored books
  • 15 book chapters (9 first author 4 student first author)
  • 4,273 total citation; h-index = 25; i10-index = 40

Peer-reviewed journal articles

41. Buhk, A. H., Babu, P. V., Pritchard, K. J., Capparelli, A. L., Levine, J. C., & London, K. (2024). Mediating role of social interaction anxiety on the relationship between generalized anxiety disorder and quality of social interaction. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 43(4), 322-343.

40. London, K. (2024). Advancing child maltreatment investigations: Lessons from Exoneration cases. In Urgent Issues and Prospects on Investigative Interviews with Children and Adolescents (special issue). Legal and Criminological Psychology. Legal Studies Research Paper Series, No. 24-29.

39. Lawson, M., Rodriguez-Steen, L. London, K., & Coleman, E. (2023). The effect of parental bias on the reliability of children鈥檚 event reports and children鈥檚 memory for suggestive parental questioning. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. DOI: 10.1037/mac0000108
2021 Impact factor rating: 4.60 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.901)

38. Principe, G. F., & London, K. (2022). How Parents Can Shape What Children Remember: Implications for the Testimony of Young Witnesses. Invited target article for Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(3), 289-302.
2021 Impact factor rating: 4.60 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.901)

37. Bu虉cken, C. A., Otgaar, H., London, K., Riesthuis, P., Battista, F., & Mangiulli, I. (2022).鈥淣othing Happened鈥 Legal implications of false denials among abused children. Child Abuse Review.
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.086 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.58)

36. Miller, Q. C., Call, A. A., & London, K. (2022). Mock jurors鈥 perceptions of child sexual abuse cases: Investigating the role of delayed disclosure and relationship to the perpetrator. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
2020 Impact factor rating: 2.621 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.363)

35. Perez, C.O., London, K., & Otgaar, H. (2022). A review of the differential contributions of language abilities to children鈥檚 eyewitness memory and suggestibility. Developmental Review, 63, Article 101009.
2021 Impact factor rating: 8.306 (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.172)

34. Miller, Q. C., & London K. (2021). Mock jurors鈥 perceptions of child sexual abuse cases involving sexual and gender minority victims. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.883 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.028)

33. Miller, Q. C., Todorovic, K., Perez, C. O., Capparelli, A. L., & London, K. (2021). Laypeople鈥檚 knowledge and misconceptions of sex trafficking influenced by training format. Journal of Human Trafficking.
2021 Impact factor rating: 1.36 (4-Year Impact Factor: 1.357)

32. London, K., Bruck, M., Miller, Q. C., & Ceci, S. J. (2020). Analyzing the scientific foundation of child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome: A response to Lyon et al. (2020). Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 38(6), 648-653.
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.568. (5-Year Impact Factor:)

31. McGuire, K., & London, K. (2020). A retrospective approach to examining child abuse disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 99. doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104263
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.928 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.945)

30. Capparelli, A.L., Miller, Q.C., Wright, D.B., & London, K. (2019). Canine-assisted interviews bolster informativeness for negative autobiographical memories. Psychological Reports, 123, 159-178. doi.org/10.1177/0033294119851803
2021 Impact factor rating: 1.789. (4-Year Impact Factor: 2.50)

29. Lawson, M., Rodriguez-Steen, L. & London, K. (2018). A systematic review of the reliability of children鈥檚 event reports after discussing experiences with a na茂ve, knowledgeable, or misled parent. Developmental Review, 49, 62-79. doi:10.1016/j.dr.2018.06.
2021 Impact factor rating: 8.306 (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.172)

28. McGuire, K., & London, K. (2017) Common beliefs about child sexual abuse and disclosure: A college sample, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26, 175-194. doi: 10.1080/10538712.2017.1281368
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.189 (5-Year Impact Factor: 1.836)

27. Lawson, M., & London, K. (2017). Children鈥檚 memory for conversations after a one-year delay. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 6, 328-336. doi:10.1016/j.jarmac.2017.07.001
2021 Impact factor rating: 4.60 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.901)

26. London, K., Hall, A., & Lytle, N. (2017). Does it help, hurt, or something else: The effect of an 鈥渙r something else鈥 option on children鈥檚 performance on forced-choice questions. Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law, 23, 281-289. doi:10.1037/law0000129
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.317 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.653) Google Scholar Citation Count: 12

25. Lawson, M., & London, K. (2015). Tell me everything you discussed: Children鈥檚 memory for dyadic conversations after a 1-week or a 3-week delay. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 33, 429-445. doi:10.1002/bsl.2184
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.568 (5-Year Impact Factor: 1.861)

24. McGuire, K., London, K., & Wright, D.B. (2015). Developmental trends in false memory across adolescence and young adulthood: A comparison of DRM and Memory Conformity Paradigms. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 334-344. doi:10.1002/acp.3114
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.438 (4-Year Impact Factor: 2.438)

23. Lytle, N., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2015). Young children鈥檚 ability to use two-dimensional and three-dimensional symbols to show placements of body touches and hidden objects. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 134, 30-42. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2015.01.010
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.61 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.58)

22. Zajac, R., Garry, M., London, K., Goodyear-Smith, F., & Hayne, H. (2013). Misconceptions about childhood sexual abuse and child witnesses: Implications for psychological experts in the courtroom. Memory, 21, 608-617. doi:10.1080/09658211.2013.778287
Impact factor rating for 2021: 2.519 (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.547)

21. London, K., & Ceci, S.J. (2012). Competence, credibility, and reliability of children鈥檚 forensic reports: Introduction to special issue on child witnesses. Developmental Review, 32, 161-164. doi:10.1016/j.dr.2012.06.001
2021 Impact factor rating: 8.306 (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.172)

20. McGuire, K., London, K., & Wright, D.B. (2011). Peer influence on event reports among adolescents and young adults. Memory, 19, 674-683. doi:10.1080/09658211.2011.602086
Impact factor rating for 2021: 2.519 (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.547)

19. Wright, D.B., London, K., & Field, A. (2011). Using Bootstrap Estimation and the Plug-In Principle for Clinical Psychology Data. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2, 252-270. doi:10.5127/jep.013611
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.718 (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.280)

18. Buck, J., & London, K., & Wright, D.B. (2011). Expert Testimony Regarding Child Witnesses: Does It Sensitize Jurors to Forensic Interview Quality? Law & Human Behavior, 35, 152-164. doi:10.1007/s10979-010-9228-2
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.870 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.877)

17. London, K., Bruck, M., & Poole, D. A., Melnyk, L. (2011). The development of metasuggestibility in children. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 11, 146-155. doi:10.1002/acp.1653
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.360 (4-Year Impact Factor: 2.438)

16. Wright, D. B., London, K., & Waechter, M. (2010). Social Anxiety Moderates Memory Conformity in Adolescents. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 1034-1045. doi:10.1002/acp.1604
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.360 (4-Year Impact Factor: 2.438)

15. Wright, D.B. & London, K. (2009). Multilevel modelling: Beyond the basic applications. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 62, 439-456. doi:10.1348/000711008X327632
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.38 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.064) 5

14. London, K., & Bruck, M., & Melnyk, L. (2009). Post-event information affects children鈥檚 autobiographical memory after one year. Law & Human Behavior, 33, 344-355. doi10.1007/s10979-008-9147-7
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.870 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.877)

13. London, K., Bruck, M., Wright, D.B., & Ceci, S.J. (2008). Review of the contemporary literature on how children report sexual abuse to others: Findings, methodological issues, and implications for forensic interviewers. Memory, 16, 29-47. Reprinted in E. Geraerts & M. Jelicic (Eds.) (2008), Memory and Trauma, Psychology Press. doi:10.1080/09658210701725732
Impact factor rating for 2021: 2.519 (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.547)

12. Wright, D.B., Gabbert, F., Memon, A., & London, K. (2008). Change a criterion for memory conformity in free recall and recognition. Memory, 16, 137-148. doi:10.1080/09658210701836174
Impact factor rating for 2021: 2.519 (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.547)

11. Bartsch, K., London, K., & Campbell, M. (2007). Children鈥檚 attention to beliefs in interactive persuasion tasks. Developmental Psychology, 43, 111-120. doi:10.1037/0012- 1649.43.1.111.
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.845 (5-Year Impact Factor: 5.802)

10. Bruck, M., London, K., Landa, B., & Goodman, J. (2007). Autobiographical memory and suggestibility in children with autism. Development and Psychopathology, 17, 73-95. doi:10.10170S0954579407070058
2021 Impact factor rating: 4.151 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.678)

9. Cherney, I., & London, K. (2006). Gender-linked differences in the toys, television shows, computer games, and outdoor activities of 5- to 13-year-old children. Sex Roles, 54, 717- 726. doi:10.1007/s11199-006-9037-8
2021 Impact factor rating: 4.154 (4-Year Impact Factor: 4.229)

8. Vasa, R., Carlino, A., London, K., & C. Min. (2006). Valence ratings of emotional and nonemotional words in children. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 1169-1180. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2006.03.025
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.95 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.108)

7. London, K., Bruck, M., Ceci, S.J., & Shuman, D. (2005). Disclosure of child sexual abuse: What does the research tell us about the ways that children tell? Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law, 11, 194-226. doi:10.1037/1076-8971.11.1.194
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.317 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.653)

6. London, K., & Nunez, N. (2002). Examining the efficacy of truth/lie discussions in predicting and increasing the veracity of children鈥檚 reports. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 83, 131-147. doi:10.1016/S0022-0965(02)00119-4
2021 Impact factor rating: 2.61 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.58)

5. London, K. (2001). Investigative interviews of children: A review of psychological research and implications for police practices. Police Quarterly, 4, 123-144. doi:10.1177/109861101129197770
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.80 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.594)

4. Bartsch, K., & London, K. (2000). Children鈥檚 use of mental state information in selecting persuasive arguments. Developmental Psychology, 36, 352-365. doi:10.1037/0012- 1649.36.3.352
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.845 (5-Year Impact Factor: 5.802)

2. London, K., & Nunez, N. (2000). The effect of jury deliberations on jurors鈥 propensity to disregard inadmissible evidence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 932-939. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.85.6.932
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.712 (5-Year Impact Factor: 5.603)

1. Ranelli, P., Bartsch, K., & London, K. (2000). Pharmacists鈥 perceptions of children and families as medicine consumers. Psychology and Health, 15, 829-840. doi:10.1080/08870440008405585
2021 Impact factor rating: 3.073 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.122)

Manuscripts under review and in preparation

Lawson, M., Rodriguez Steen, L., London, K., Holland, T., Gorelik, Ferguson, S. (under invited resubmission). Maternal elaboration and children鈥檚 episodic memory accuracy: A double-edged sword?

Perez, O. C., Todorovic, K., & London, K. (under revised review). Eyewitnesses鈥 accuracy to 鈥淒o you remember鈥 yes-no questions.

Ceci, S.J., Bookbinder, S., Bruck, M., Perez, C.O., & London, K. (in preparation) Normative developmental vs. reverse developmental trends: A theoretical framework.

Todorovic, K., London, K., & Bruck, M. (in preparation). Does metasuggestibility predict memory distortions among school-aged children?

Todorovic, K., London, K., & Bruck, M. (in preparation). Long-term autobiographical memory and suggestibility among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Todorovic, K., London, K., Bruck, M., & Wright, D. (in preparation). Eyewitness identification in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder following a 10-month delay.

Miller, Q. C., Sari, A., London, K. (in preparation). Dog assisted interviewing: Does their presence impact qualitative reports of autobiographical memories?

Authored books

Wright, D.B., & London, K. (2009). First (and Second) Steps in Statistics, 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications.
(Selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Magazine, January 2010)

Wright, D.B., & London, K. (2009). Modern regression techniques using R: A practical guide for students and researchers. London: Sage Publications. 93 citations

Book chapters and encyclopedia articles

London, K., & Hera, H. (in press). Sources of Influence on Adolescents鈥 Memory and Suggestibility. In L. C. Malloy, R. K. Helm, T. Zottoli (Eds.). Confessions and Guilty Pleas of Youth: Developmental Science and Practical Implications.

Miller, Q. C., London, K., & Loftus, E. F. (2021). The politics of sexual misconduct allegations: A memory science framework. In C. L. Frisby, W. T. O鈥橠onohue, S. O. Lilienfeld, & R.E. Redding (Eds.), Political bias in psychology: Nature, scope, and solutions. Springer.

London, K., Kulkofsky, S., & Perez, C.O. (2021). Factors affecting the reliability of children鈥檚 forensic reports: An updated review. In Current Issues in Memory: Memory Research in the Public Interest. In Rummel, Jan (Ed); Publisher: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group; pp. 272-295.

Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2020). Forensic implications of delayed reports from child witnesses. In J. Pozzulo, E. Pica, & C. Sheahan (Eds.), Memory and sexual misconduct: Psychological research for criminal justice (pp. 100-131). New York: Routledge.

McGuire, K., & London, K. (2019). Factorial analysis of variance. In G. M. Breakwell, D. B. Wright and J. A. Smith (Eds.), Research Methods in Psychology, 4th Edition.

Lawson, M., London, K., & Hall, A. (2016). Planning the forensic interview. In M. Fanetti (Eds.). In W. O鈥橠onohue & M. Fanetti (Eds.), Forensic interviews regarding child sexual abuse: A guide to evidence-based practice, pp. 197-218. Springer International Publishing.

London, K., Henry, L. A., Conradt, T., & Corser, R. (2012). Memory and suggestibility in children with typical development and intellectual disabilities. In Investigative Suggestibility: Theory, Research, and Applications (A Ridley, Ed.) John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

London, K. & Wright, D.B. (2012). Analyzing change between two or more groups: ANOVA versus ANCOVA. In B. Laursen, T. Little, & N. Card (Eds.), Handbook of Developmental Research (pp. 279-290). Guilford Publications.

McGuire, K., & London, K. (2012). Factorial analysis of variance. In G. M. Breakwell, D. B. Wright and J.A. Smith (Eds.), Research Methods in Psychology, 4th Edition.

Kulkofsky, S., & London, K. (2010). Reliability and suggestibility of children鈥檚 statements: From science to practice. In E. Benedek, P. Ash, & C. Scott (Eds.) Principles and Practices of Child and Adolescent Forensic Mental Health. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

London, K., & Kulkofsky, S. (2009). Factors affecting the reliability of children鈥檚 reports. In G. M. Davies & D. B. Wright (Eds.), New Frontiers in Applied Memory (pp. 119-141). Psychology Press.

London, K., & Wright, D.B. (2008). Factorial Design. In P.J. Lavrakas (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods, 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications.

London, K., Bruck, M., & Ceci, S.J., & Shuman, D. (2007). Disclosure of child sexual abuse: A review of the contemporary empirical literature. In M. E. Pipe, M. E. Lamb, Y. Orbach, & A.C. Cederborg (Eds.), Child sexual abuse: Disclosure, delay, and denial (pp. 11-39). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

London, K. (2006). Child abuse and its investigation. In J. R. Greene (Ed.), 2006 Encyclopedia of Police Science, 3rd Edition, New York: Routledge.

London, K. (2006). Investigative interviews of children: A review of psychological research and implications for police practices. In C. R. Bartol & A. M. Bartol (Eds.) Current Perspectives in forensic psychology and criminal justice (pp. 35-43). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Other writing

London K. (2020). Study what you love and the job will come. Invited autobiographical essay featured in C. R. Bartol & A. M. Bartol (Eds.) Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and application 6th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

London, K., & Wright, D. B. (2007). Invited book review for Forensic Psychology: Concepts, Debates, and Practice. (Joanna Adler, Ed.). International Criminal Justice Review, 17, p. 73.


The Psychology of children鈥檚 memory. Invited speaker at The Ohio Public Defender鈥檚 Virtual Forensic Unit Training: Litigating Sex Abuse Cases Involving Children. (May 3, 2024)

Recreated Memories: How beliefs and suspicions become 鈥渞eal.鈥 Invited speaker at the Innocence Work for Lawyers conference. Innocence Project of Texas/ Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Austin, TX. (August 17, 2023)

Contexts that produce reliable versus unreliable information from child witnesses. Invited talk, US Marine and Navy JAGS training, Ft. Belvoir, VA. (August 7, 2023)

Adults鈥 beliefs about child maltreatment and disclosure. Invited talk, US Marine and Navy JAGS training, Ft. Belvoir, VA. (August 7, 2023)

Reliability, credibility, and Competency of Children鈥檚 Forensic Testimony. Invited Zoom talk presented to the University of New Mexico Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Law and Mental Health Lecture Series (2022, October).

Giving Expert Testimony: My Experiences and Lessons Learned. Invited Zoom talk presented to the Global Association of Human Trafficking Scholars, (2022, September 28).

Child witnesses. Invited training provided to judge advocate students (JAGS) at the 2022 Naval Justice School (United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard), Victims鈥 Legal Counsel Certification Course (2022, April 29).

Disclosure among child abuse victims. One of three invited round table panelist. Fourth annual Zoom Psychology and Law Symposium (ZPLS). Hosted by Maastricht University, the Netherlands. (2022, March 31).

Contemporary best practice guidelines in interviewing children. Invited by Dubai Police to present at the World Police Summit, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (2022, March 22)

Reliability, credibility, and Competency of Children鈥檚 Forensic Testimony. Invited Zoom talk given to the Forensic Group of Dallas, Southern Methodist University鈥檚 Dedman School of Law (2022, March 9).

Towards racial equality in child welfare and juvenile justice. Invited Zoom presentation to the Department of Children and Family Services, State of Rhode Island (June 15-16, 2020).

The A to Z on handling child and adolescent witnesses. Invited training to US Marine Prosecutors. Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA (2020, March 9).

Justice through a different lens. Invited panelist at the African American Legacy Project. Toledo, OH (2020, February).

Inspiring minority youth. Invited panelist for presentation with Yusef Saleem from the exonerated Central Park Five. Toledo Excel Program. Toledo, OH (2020, January).

Why interviewing children shouldn鈥檛 be a free-for-all (and how to spot when it was). National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center International Conference; Las Vegas, Nevada. (2019, October).

Non-disclosure and disclosure reluctance in child abuse. Invited colloquia given at the Department of Psychology, University of Bonn, German (2019, May 7).

Child Forensic Interviews. Two day invited workshop delivered to forensic interviewers and graduate students in forensic psychology at University of Bonn, Germany (2019, May 4- 5).

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Experiences as an expert witness in cases involving child witnesses. Invited keynote at the European Association of Psychology and Law, Turku, Finland (2018, June).

Sources of influence outside of the forensic interview. Invited talk given to The National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center鈥檚 20th International Conference, Reno, NV. (2017, October).

Maltreatment suspicions during contentious divorce cases. Invited talk given at Bowling Green State University Marriage and Family Counseling summer 2018 master鈥檚 level course.

Children as witnesses. Invited telephonic training given to United States Marine Counsel, San Diego, CA. (2016, January).

Children as witnesses. Invited talk given to the Toledo Doctors and Lawyers Committee. Toledo Bar Association, Toledo, OH. (2016, January).

Getting children to talk: When the stakes are high. Invited half-day workshop given to the Toledo Area Academy of Professional Psychologists. Promedica Hospital, Toledo, OH. (2016, January).

Forensic issues involving children. Presentation given to Child Abuse Conference Joint Hospital Team Child Abuse Conference, University of Toledo. (2015, Nov)

How to Make the Best Ues of Children鈥檚 Developing Abilities During Abuse Investigations. (Memahami Dan Merespon Informasi Anak Dalam Kasus Kekerasan Seksual.) Invited talk given to Indonesian child abuse professionals, parents, community members, and local and international media. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. (2015, March).

Understanding and Responding to Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse. (Memahami dan Menanggapi Memori Palsu pada Kasus Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak.) Invited talk given to parents, community members, local and international media. Mera Delima Restaurant, Jakarta Indonesia. (2015, February)

How to Approach Cases Involving Child Witnesses. Invited talk, Bowling Green State University鈥檚 Women鈥檚 Center (2015, February)

Delayed disclosure and denials: Research findings on disclosure of child maltreatment. The National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center鈥檚 17th International Conference. Child Abuse Allegations: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. Las Vegas, NV. (2014, October).

Competence, Credibility and Reliability: A Scientific Approach to Handling Child Witnesses. Invited talk, University of Toledo Law School (2013, October).

Limitations of expert witnesses: Realistic expectations. Invited presentation given at the National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center鈥檚 16th International Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2012, September).

How to Approach Child Abuse Cases. Invited talk given at the National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center鈥檚 15th International Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2010, August).

Talking to Your CASA Kids: Forensic Considerations. Training session provided to Lucas County Juvenile Justice Guardian ad Litem program, Toledo, OH (2010, June).

Does It Didn鈥檛 Happen Really Mean It Didn鈥檛 Happen: Delays and denial. Invited talk given to the Texas Criminal Defense Attorney鈥檚 Association, Houston, TX (2009, December).

Factors Affecting the Reliability of Children鈥檚 Reports of Maltreatment. Grand Rounds, University of Toledo School of Medicine, Psychiatry Division, Toledo, OH (2009, October).

Scientific findings on evaluating eyewitness reports in children. Invited talk given to the Psychology Department, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI (May 2009).

Forensic interviews with children: Training and guidelines. Invited talk presented to the Metro Toledo Criminal Justice Administrators Meeting, Holland, OH (2009, March).

Children鈥檚 testimonial competence and adults鈥 abilities to detect truths and lies. Special guest speaker at the 2009 meeting of the Behavioral Analysis Association of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI (2009, February).

To Interview or Not Interview: Facts to Consider. Invited talk at Allegations of Abuse: True or False Seminar, Wood County Educations Service Center, Toledo, OH (2008, October).

Factors Affecting the Reliability of Children鈥檚 Autobiographical Reports. Invited keynote address at the Child Advocacy Grand Rounds, Michigan State University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatrics and Human Development, Lansing, MI (2008, August).

Disclosure of Child Abuse and Indicator Evidence. Invited presentation given at the National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center鈥檚 13th International Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2008, September).

Forensic Developmental Psychology. University of Michigan, Psychology Department Developmental Studies Brown Bag Series, Ann Arbor, MI (2007, November).

Keynote Address: Developmental theme. Invited international speaker at the workshop Social Influences on Memory, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom (2007, June).

Forensic interviews with children and disclosure of child sexual abuse. Missouri Bar Association鈥檚 seminar on Handling Child Sexual Abuse Cases, St. Louis, Missouri (2007, January).

Forensic Developmental Psychology. Invited talk in the Psychology Department, Adrian College, Adrian, MI (2006, December).

Children鈥檚 Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse. Florida International University Legal Psychology Meeting, Miami, FL (2006, November).

Regression Workshop (along with Dan Wright). Florida International University. Miami, FL (2006, October).

Abuse Disclosure: Delay, Denial, and Recantation of Abuse. Invited presentation given at the National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center鈥檚 13th International Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2006, September).

Perspectives on delayed, incomplete and non-disclosure of child sexual abuse. Invited speaker at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Allmanna Barnhuset Foundation conference on Delayed, Reluctant, and Nondisclosure of Child Abuse, (A.C. Cederborg, M. E. Lamb, M. Pipe, & Y. Orbach, Chairs), Satra Bruk, Sweden (2003, August).


*denotes undergraduate co-authors

Lawson, M., Rodriguez-Steen, L.*, London, K., Horn, E. (2024, March). Maternal Questioning and Children鈥檚 Report Accuracy for an Event Including Touch. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Perez, C.O., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2023, March). Language abilities as a predictor of children鈥檚 suggestibility following short and long delays. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA.

Lawson, M., Rodriguez-Steen, L.*, London, K., Horn, E. (2022, March). Parental Bias, Children鈥檚 Event Reports, and Children's Memory for Suggestive Parental Questioning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, CO.

Perez, C. O., London, K., & Otgaar, H. (2022, March). A Review of the Differential Contributions of Language Abilities to Children鈥檚 Eyewitness Memory and Suggestibility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, CO.

Perez, C. O., London, K., & Otgaar, H. (2022, March). Social and Cognitive Underpinnings of Children鈥檚 Event Memory and Suggestibility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, CO.

Miller, Q. C., Perez, C. O., & London, K. (2021, September). Retrospective reports of commercial sexual exploitation of children [Paper presentation]. Virtual International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference.

Miller, Q. C., London, K., & Wright, D. B. (2021, August). Laypeople鈥檚 beliefs about children鈥檚 disclosure patterns of sexual abuse [Paper presentation]. Virtual European Association of Psychology and Law Conference.

Miller, Q. C., Sumampouw, N. E. J., Otgaar, H., & London, K. (2021, July). Confirmation bias in evaluations of child sexual abuse. In Q. C. Miller & K. London (Chairs), Cognitive biases in forensic decision making [Symposium]. Virtual Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition Conference.

Todorovic, K., Earl, N. A., London, K., Wright, D. B. (2021, April). Realistic dreaming associated with fantasy proneness, dissociation, and stress. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.

Perez, C. O., Todorovic, K., & London, K. (2021, April). The impact of 鈥淒o you remember鈥︹ questions on the accuracy of children鈥檚 eyewitness memory. Paper presented at the virtual biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2020, March). Jurors鈥 perceptions of child sexual abuse cases involving sexual and gender minority victims. Data blitz presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference; New Orleans, LA. Outstanding Paper Award from the American Psychology-Law Society.

Todorovic, K., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2020, March). Does metasuggestibility predict memory distortions among school-aged children? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Todorovic, K., Perez, C. O., Pedersen, K., Barclay, A., Leiter, J., & London, K. (2020, March). Declarative Metamemory Predicts Children鈥檚 Performance to 鈥淒o you remember鈥︹ Questions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.

Perez, C. O., Todorovic, K., Leiter, J., Barclay, A., & London, K. (2020, March). Children鈥檚 Unelaborated Yes/No Responses in Response to Indirect Speech Acts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.

Todorovic, K., London, K. & Bruck, M. (June, 2019). Object Recognition in 4- to 10-year-olds Following a 10-month Delay. Paper presented at the 2019 conference of the Society for Research in Memory & Cognition. Cape Cod, MA.

London, K. (March, 2018). Invited discussant. Parent-child discussions and children's reports symposium. Invited talk given at the 2019 American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.

Perez, C., & London, K. (March, 2019). Testimonial competence of bilingual and monolingual preschoolers. Paper presented at the 2019 American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.

London, K. (March, 2018). Invited discussant. Cognition, language, and children鈥檚 disclosures symposium. American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.

London, K. (March, 2017). Invited discussant. Cognition, language, and children鈥檚 disclosures symposium. American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.

Anderson, A. Z., London, K., & Wingrove, T. (March, 2017). Case-Specific Factors and Individual Differences as Influences on Mock Jurors鈥 Child Credibility Ratings and Verdict Decisions. American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.

Lawson, M., & London, K. (March, 2017). Paper presented at the A review of the reliability of children鈥檚 reports after discussing experiences with a parent. American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.

Lawson, M., London, K., & Bruck, M. (March, 2016). Children鈥檚 memory for the occurrence and the content of dyadic conversations after a one-year delay: An investigation from two studies. Paper presented at American Psychology-Law Society, Atlanta, GA.

London, K. (2015, October). The Science of Child Testimony: Lessons from the Real World. The Henry L. Hartman Symposium on Law, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Toledo, OH.

Zaner, L., & London, K. (2015, October). Direct- and Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses. Henry L. Hartman Symposium on Law, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Toledo, OH.

London, K. (2015, September). Developing Rapport During Forensic Interviews with Adolescents: A Review of Evidence-Based Practices. 2015 International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference, Toledo, OH.

London, K. (2015, August). Handling cases involving children witnesses: What the Science Supports. National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center 18th International Conference: The Law, the Science, The Myths, The Reality: Practical Applications. Orlando, FL.

London, K., & Lytle, N. (2015, June). Young children鈥檚 use of dolls and drawings as symbolic interview props. International Congress: Children and the Law. University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal.

Conradt, T. W., Otto, A., Burch, E., & London, K. (2015, March). Do better narratives for emotional events protect children from misinformation in an investigative interview? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, CA.

Hall, A., London, K., & Lytle, N. (2015, March). Does it help, hurt, or something else? The inclusion of a 'Something Else' response alternative in forced-choice questioning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, CA.

Rohrabaugh, M., & London, K. (2015, March). Have you talked about this before? Towards understanding children鈥檚 memory for dyadic conversations. (Outstanding Student Presentation in Novel-Topic Research award). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, CA.

London, K. (2014, September). Forensic Psychology Research: Insights for Interviewing Adolescent Sex Trade Victims. Talk presented at the 11th annual International Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sex Work Conference, Toledo, OH.

McGuire, K., & London, K. (2014, March). Disclosure patterns of abuse: A retrospective approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, New Orleans, LA.

London, K. (2013, October). Forensic developmental psychology: A research potpourri. Invited talk presented at the 2nd International Conference on Forensic Research and Technology. Las Vegas, NV.

Conradt, T. W., & London, K. (2013, May). Effects of event valence on children鈥檚 suggestibility across development. Paper presented at the 2013 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Conradt, T., & London, K. (2012, March). Developmental shifts in children鈥檚 suggestibility for a happy versus sad event. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychology- Law Society, San Juan, PR.

Hall. A.K., London, K., & Lytle, N. E. (2012, March). Does including an 鈥渙r something else鈥 option improve children鈥檚 performance on forced-choice questions? Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Juan, PR.

Lytle, N. E., London, K. & Wright, D. B. (2012, March). Mapping body touch using human figure drawings and dolls. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the American Psychology- Law Society, San Juan, PR.

London, K. (2011, March). Invited discussant in L. Malloy & M.E. Lamb鈥檚 symposium entitled Motivation and cognitive influences on children鈥檚 testimony. Presented at the annual conference of American Psychology and Law Society, Miami, FL.

London, K. (2010, March). Developmental trends in the process of constructing own- and otherrace facial composites. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology and Law Society, Vancouver, BC.

Kehn, A., Gray, J. M., Renken, M., Nunez, N. L., McGuire, K., Ladd, N. E., & London, K. (2010, March). Developmental trends in the process of constructing own- and other-race facial composites. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology and Law Society, Vancouver, BC.

London, K., Bruck, M., & McGuire, K. (2010, March). Does metasuggestibility predict memory distortion among school-aged children? Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology and Law Society, Vancouver, BC.

London, K., Wright, D. B., & Waechter, M. (2009, April). The relationship between memory conformity and social anxiety in adolescence. Paper presented at the 2009 biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Melnyk, L. A., & London, K. (2009, April). Adolescents: The forgotten witnesses. Co-chairs of symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Buck, J. A., & London, K. (2008, October). The effectiveness of expert testimony on interviewing child witnesses: Does it increase skepticism? Paper presented at Western and Pacific Association of Criminal Justice Educators, Las Vegas, NV.

London, K., & Buck, J. (2008, August). Probative and prejudicial value of expert testimony on child sexual abuse. Talk given at the 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Wright, D. B., Gabbert, F., Memon, A., & London, K. (2008, April). Changing the response criterion for free recall and recognition tasks affects acceptance of information from cowitnesses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.

Buck, J. A., & London, K. (2008, March). Expert testimony on interviewing child witnesses: Is it prejudicial? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.

Buck, J. A., & London, K., co-chairs (2008, March). Expert testimony related to child witnesses: When does it have probative value for jurors? Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.

London, K., McGuire, K., Wright, D. B., & Bruck, M. (2007, July). Long-term effects of misinformation on children鈥檚 memory reports. Paper presented at the 7th biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Applied Memory and Cognition, Lewiston, Maine.

London, K., Bruck, M., & Marave, E. (2006, March). A cognitive developmental study of props used during forensic interviews. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

Melnyk, L., Bruck, M., London, K., & Poole, D. A. (2005, April). Metasuggestibility: Children鈥檚 developing ability to understand suggestibility. Paper presented at the 2005 biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA.

London, K., Bruck, M., & Poole, D. A. (2004, August). The Development of children鈥檚 Understanding of Interrogative Suggestibility. Paper presented at the biennial Conference on Human Development, Washington D.C.

London, K., & Bruck, M. (2003, April). Autobiographical memory and suggestibility in children with autism. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.

London, K., & Bruck, M. (2003, May). Debriefing child participants in suggestibility studies with a videotape of the event: Do children acknowledge errors? Hot-topic paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA.

London, K., Bruck, M., & Poole, D. A. (2003, August). Children鈥檚 causal explanations for interrogative suggestibility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

London, K., Nunez, N., Hill, J., & Bowen, H. (2002, April). Investigative and courtroom interviews of children: Examining the efficacy of truth/lie discussions in increasing the veracity of children鈥檚 reports. Paper presented at the biennial Conference in Human Development, Charlotte, NC.

London, K., & Nunez, N. (2000, March). The effect of jury deliberations on jurors鈥 propensity to disregard inadmissible evidence. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, New Orleans, LA.


*denotes undergraduate co-authors

Cruz, D.,* DiSalvio, M.,* Yalmokas, E,* Perez, C., Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2024, March). Age at Entry Predicts Perceptions of Law Enforcement Interactions in Youth Victims of Sexual Exploitations. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Kim, G., Grady, R., & London, K. (2024, March). Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed to Repeat It. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Grady, R., & London, K. (2024, March). The Resurgence of Repressed Memories: Exploring the Role of Political Affiliation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Miller, Q. C., London, K., Loftus, E. F., & Dodier, O. (2023, March). Beliefs about repressed memory among a nationally representative sample of United States adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Kim, G.*, Miller, Q. C., Grady, R.*, & London, K. (2023, March). Gender differences in laypeople鈥檚 estimates of child sexual abuse prevalence rates. Poster presented at the annual meeting American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Morales, A., Dickensheets, T, Gorelik, K, Ferguson, S., Baker, M., Hernandez, J. Rodriguez Steen, L. A., London, K., & Lawson, M. (2022, March). Children鈥檚 report accuracy when interviewed by parents: the role of parental support and questioning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, CO.

Miller, Q. C., Call, A. A., & London, K. (2022, March). The role of delayed disclosure and relationship to the perpetrator in mock jurors鈥 perceptions of child sexual abuse. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, CO.

Todorovic, K. & London, K. (2022, April). Pre-interview practices bolster performance among children with high autism traits. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.

Todorovic, K. & London, K. (2022, March). Effect of the pre-substantive phase on memory among children with high versus low autistic traits. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, CO, United States.

Gainsley, J. P.,* Davis, A. M.,* Todorovic, K., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2021, July). Eyewitness identification following a 10-month delay in child witnesses on the autism spectrum. Poster to be presented at the virtual meeting of Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

Davis, A. M.,* Gainsley, J. P.,* Todorovic, K., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2021, July). Memory for persons鈥 actions following a 10-month delay among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster to be presented at the virtual meeting of Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

Keune, G. F. J.,* Gribble, M. E.,* Perez, C. O., Todorovic, K., & London, K. (2021, July). Handedness predicts children鈥檚 responses to 鈥淒o you remember鈥︹ questions. Poster to be presented at the virtual meeting of Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

Gribble, M. E.,* Leiter, J.,* Keune, G. F. J.,* Todorovic, K., Perez, C. O., & London, K. (2021, July). The effect of 鈥淒o you remember鈥︹ prefaces on children鈥檚 memory accuracy. Poster to be presented at the virtual meeting of Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

Miller, Q. C., Perez, C. O., & London, K. (2021, March). Retrospective study exploring the disclosure of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference.

Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2021, March). Juror gender moderates the influence of contextual information on child sexual abuse case judgments. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference.

Palmer, C.,* Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2021, April). Gender differences in jurors鈥 reactions to child sexual abuse cases involving minority victims. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association; Chicago, IL.

Davis, A. M.,* Sari, A. L.,* Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2021, April). Witness and interviewer rapport building in dog-assisted forensic interviewing. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association; Chicago, IL.

Sari, A. L.,* Davis, A. M.,* Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2021, April). Narrative coherence in dog-assisted forensic interviewing. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association; Chicago, IL.

Davis, A. M.,* Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2020, November). Rapport building in dog-assisted interviews. Poster presented at the Humanity First conference; Toledo, OH.

Keune, G. F. J.,* Todorovic, K., Perez, C. O., & London, K. (2021, April). Ground rule performance predicts children鈥檚 responses to 鈥淒o you remember鈥︹ questions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.

Todorovic, K., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2021, March). Autobiographical memory and suggestibility for a personally experienced event following a 10-month delay among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster accepted at the American Psychology- Law Society Virtual Poster Session.

Miller, Q. C., Palmer, C.,* & London, K. (2020, August). Predictive factors of mock jurors鈥 attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association; Washington D.C. (Conference canceled).

Palmer, C.,* Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2020, April). Homophobia and transphobia as correlates of case judgments in a child sexual abuse case context. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological association; Chicago, IL. (Conferenced canceled).

Davis, A. M., Miller, Q. C., & London, K. (2020, November). Rapport building in dog-assisted interviews. Poster presented at the Humanity First conference; Toledo, OH.

Leiter, J., Perez, C. O., Todorovic, K., Barclay, A., & London, K. (2020, April). The effect of indirect speech acts on children鈥檚 memory accuracy. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States. (Conference canceled due to Covid)

Todorovic, K., Capparelli, A. L., Miller, Q. C., Perez, C. O., & London, K. (2020, March). Laypeople鈥檚 endorsement of human trafficking myths affected by the format of online training. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology- Law Society, New Orleans, LA.

Miller, Q.C., Capparelli, A.L., London, K., & McGuire, K. (2019, April). Retrospective accounts of delayed and unreported child sexual abuse. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology and Behavioral Science; Toledo, OH.

Miller, Q.C., Capparelli, A.L., London, K., & McGuire, K. (2019, March). Why didn鈥檛 she report it 36 years ago? Adults鈥 accounts of delayed and unreported child sexual abuse. Poster presented at the American-Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference; Portland, OR.

Todorovic, K. & London, K. (2019, April). Have you seen me?: Children鈥檚 identification of faces following a 10-month delay. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Department of Psychology Research Showcase, Toledo, OH.

Todorovic, K. & London, K. (2019, April). Children鈥檚 Recognition of Previously Seen and Unseen Objects. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology and Behavioral Science, Toledo, OH.

Capparelli, A. L., Miller, Q. M., & London, K. (2018, May) Adults鈥 reports of positive and negative events and false memories during animal assisted interview. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA

Miller, Q., Capparelli, A. L., Perez, C., London, K. (2018, March) Prosecution and defense expert testimony on child maltreatment disclosure patterns: Effects on Mock Juror鈥檚 Decisions and Beliefs. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Memphis, Tennessee.

Perez, C., Miller, Q., Capparelli, A. L., Wright, D. London, K. (2018, March) Laypeople鈥檚 beliefs about disclosure patterns of child sexual abuse. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Memphis, Tennessee.

Anderson Call, A., Hassabelnaby, R.,* Lopez, B.*, London, K., & Wingrove, T.A. (August, 2017). Follow the path: The relationships between CSA beliefs, child credibility, and defendant guilt. Poster presented at the 125th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.

Lawson, M., Coleman, E.*, Callicotte, M.*, Rodriguez-Steen, L.*, & London, K. (April, 2017). The influence of maternal reminiscing style on children鈥檚 event reports to biased mothers. Poster presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.

Mehdi, S.,* Lawson, M., & London, K. (April, 2017). The effect of attachment on children鈥檚 suggestibility when questioned by their mothers. Poster presented at the NW Undergraduate Research Symposium. University of Finlay, Finlay, OH.

Mehdi, M., * London, K., & Lawson, M. (April, 2017). The Role Maternal Reminiscing Style Plays in the Accuracy of Child Reports. Poster presented at the 31st annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Memphis, TN.

Perez, C., London, K., & Bruck, M. (March, 2017). Cognitive and social of memory and suggestibility among school aged children. Poster presented at the American Psychology- Law Society, Seattle, WA.

Christman, S., Lawson, M., & London, K. (November, 2016). Effects of handedness of children鈥檚 recall of dyadic conversations. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.

Anderson, A. Z., Hassabelnaby, R.*, London, K., Wingrove, T. (2017, August). Follow the path: Relationships between CSA misconceptions, child credibility, and defendant guilt. Poster presentation at the 2017 American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C.

Lawson, M., London, K., Coleman, E. *, Hatfield, D. *, Hill, J. *, Rodriguez-Steen, L. *, Simon, M. C. *, Calicotte, M. * (May, 2016). I saw her, but I don鈥檛 remember where: Children鈥檚 eyewitness identification performance after 1-year. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Sciences, Chicago, IL.

Lawson, M., London, K., & Kuehn, S.* (October, 2015). Children鈥檚 recognition memory for utterances and question-answer pairs from a dyadic conversation after a 1-week or 3- week delay. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH.

Lawson, M., London, K., Miller, J.*, & Slates, M.* (October, 2015). The completeness and accuracy of children's free recall reports for conversations: The effects of participation versus passive listening. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH.

Lytle, N., & London, K. (2015, March). Young Children鈥檚 Use of Dolls and Drawings to Show Touches on Their Own Bodies and Touches on Another Person鈥檚 Body. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, CA.

Lytle, N., & London, K., Reinerth, N.*, & Moon, N.* (2015, March). Young Children鈥檚 Errorless Performance in Using Dolls and Drawings to Show Touches. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, CA.

Rohrabaugh, M., & London, K. (April, 2014). Does watching a video of a previous event help children identify errors in their reports of the event? Poster presented at the 21st Research Symposium in Psychiatry, Psychology and Behavioral Science, Toledo, OH.

Rohrabaugh, M., & London, K. (March, 2014). Does watching a video of a previous event help children identify errors in their reports of the event? Poster presented at the 5th annual Midwest Graduate Research Symposium, Toledo, OH.

Rohrabaugh, M., & London, K. (March, 2014). Suggestibility and debriefing: Is suggestibility associated with false information provided by children after debriefing? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.

Conradt, T. W., London, K., Metzoian, C. *, & Adams, B. * (2013, May). Does children鈥檚 narrative ability predict differences in suggestibility for emotional events? Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Hall, A., & London, K. (2013, May). Impact of child witness characteristics on juror decisions in cases of child sexual abuse. Poster presented at the 2013 Association for Psychological Sciences Conference, Washington, D.C.

Poitras, K., & London, K. (2013, May). Mutual influence in mother-child conversation about a prior event. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Ladd, N. E., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2011, March). Children鈥檚 developing understanding of dolls and drawings as symbols to map body touch. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, Fla.

McGuire, K., London, K., Wright, D., Ladd, N. (March, 2011). False memories from the DRM and memory conformity tasks: No association in 11- to 21-year-olds. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, Fla.

Conradt, T. W., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2011, March). Source Monitoring of Suggested Event Details in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.

Conradt, T. W., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2011, April). Source Monitoring of Suggested Event Details in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the Eighteenth Annual University of Toledo / BGSU Symposium on Research, Toledo, OH.

McGuire, K., London, K., Wright, D., Ladd, N. (March, 2011). False memories from the DRM and memory conformity tasks: No association in 11- to 21-year-olds. Poster presented at the 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.

Conradt, T. W., Ladd, N. E., Wright, D. B., & London, K. (2010, March). The relationship between memory conformity and social anxiety in adolescents and young adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Vancouver, BC, CA.

Ladd, N. E., Conradt, T. W., McGuire, K. & London, K. (2010, March). Mothers questioning their children in a natural setting: Question forms employed and resulting report quality. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Vancouver, BC, CA.

McGuire, K., London, K., Wright, D., Ladd, N., (April, 2009). Social influence on adolescents鈥 memory. Poster presented at the 2009 biennial meeting of the Society for Research and Child Development, Denver, Co.

Butler, M. D.*, London, K., & Bruck, M. (May, 2008). Children鈥檚 causal explanations for false reports induced by interrogative suggestibility. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Also presented at the 15th Annual Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology, and Behavioral Science, Toledo, OH.

McGuire, K., London, K., Bruck, M. & Landa R., (March, 2007). Autobiographical Memory and Suggestibility in Children with Autism. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology, and Behavioral Science, Toledo, OH.

London, K., Wright, D.B., & Bruck, M. (2007, July). Modern regression techniques: Examples from applied cognitive research. Poster presented at the 7th biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Applied Memory and Cognition, Lewiston, Maine.

Cherney, I., & London, K. (2003, April). Gender-linked differences in the toys, television shows, computer games, and outdoor activities of 5- to 13-year-old children. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.

London, K., Embry, D., & Nunez, N. (2002, August). Drug and alcohol use among rural adolescents. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Jensen, B.L., Nunez, N., Tang, C., & London, K. (2001, April). How old is old enough? The effects of mitigating circumstances on jury decisions for juveniles tried as adults. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Human Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Bartsch, K., Schuller, J., & London, K. (2000, April). Children鈥檚 use of mental state information in persuasion as measured on story versus interactive puppet tasks. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Human Development, Eureka Springs, AR.

Bartsch, K., Eastwood, D., Horvath, K., & London, K. (1999, April). Children鈥檚 use of belief information in story and interactive persuasion tasks. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.

London, K., Nightingale, N. N., & Shoefelt C. (1998, March). Bias and recognition of bias in mock jury members presented with inadmissible evidence. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, Redondo Beach, CA.

London, K., Ranelli, P., & Bartsch, K. (1998, March). Pharmacists鈥 perceptions of families. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Galveston, TX.

London, K., Nightingale, N. N., & Jensen, B. (1998, March). Examining three elderly stereotypes in various courtroom roles. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology - Law Society, Redondo Beach, CA.

Ranelli, P. L., London, K, & Bartsch, K. (1998, April). Pharmacists鈥 perceptions of children and families on medicine taking. Poster presented at the 4th annual poster session, College of Health Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

Horvath, K., London, K., & Peters, W. (1998, April). Examining parents鈥 intuitive beliefs about corporal punishment. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Lincoln, NE.

Ranelli, P.L., Bartsch, K., & London, K. (1998, November). Perceptions of pharmacists about children and families. Poster presented at the 126th meeting of the American Health Association, Washington D.C.

Bartsch, K., & London, K. (1997, April). Children鈥檚 use of belief information in selecting hypothetical persuasive strategies. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington D.C.

London, K., & Bartsch, K. (1996, March). Children鈥檚 use of belief information in persuading others. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Park City, Utah.

London, K., & Nightingale, N. N. (1996, March). The impact of incriminating inadmissible evidence on jury deliberations. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Peters, W. W., Clark, H., London, K., & Nightingale, N. N. (1996, March). Mock jurors鈥 perceptions of statement validity assessment and projective assessment expert testimony. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology and Law Society, Hilton Head, South Carolina.


London, K. (2019). Human-Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI). The effects of support dogs on rapport and social interaction in children鈥檚 true and false memory for forbidden touch. Human-Animal Bond Research Institute. $50,000. 2019-present

London, K. (2018). The impact of canine-assisted interviews on children鈥檚 memory, suggestibility, and disclosures of transgressions. WALTHAM Human-Animal Interaction Research Programme. $280,853. Status: Not funded.

London, K., Gratz, K., Levine, J., Rose, J., & Tull, M. APA Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience Grant (SUPRE). (2017) Submitted to the American Psychological Association. $21,504. Status: Not funded.

London, K., & Williamson, C. (Co-PIs). Advancing evidence-based field-initiated programs and practices for adolescent victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Ohio Bar Foundation. $20,000. Status: Funded.

London, K., & Williamson, C. (Co-PIs). Advancing evidence-based field-initiated programs and practices for adolescent victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Kettering Foundation. $20,000. Status: Not funded.

Williamson, C., & London, K. (Co-PIs). Advancing evidence-based field-initiated programs and practices for adolescent victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Grant submitted to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, $498,000. Status: Not funded.

Bruck, M. (PI), & London, K. (consultant and co-author). Relationships of metacognition and suggestibility in middle childhood. National Science Foundation, $261,375. Status: funded.

London, K. (2008). Mother-child dyads during conversations about a past event: Examining content, structure, and reciprocal Influence. University of Toledo Summer Research Award and Fellowship. $11,968. Status: funded.

Wright, D. B., & London, K. (Co-PI鈥檚) (2007). Examining memory conformity with adolescents. British Academy. $15,250. Status: funded.

Wright, D. B., (PI), & London, K. (consultant) (2007). Project on metamemory, social cognition, and memory conformity in youth. $10,000. Status: funded.

London, K. (2007). Recipient of competitive Small Grants Funds Award to purchase classroom media supplies, University of Toledo, Center for Teaching and Learning, $300.

Bruck, M. (P.I.) & London, K. (consultant) (2005). Relationships of metacognition and suggestibility in middle childhood. National Science Foundation, $138,626. Status: funded.

Nunez, N. N., & London, K. (2000). Children鈥檚 understanding of truths and lies: Implications for the legal system. Basic Research Grant, University of Wyoming, $2,977.

London, K. (2000). Investigative and courtroom interviews of children: Examining the efficacy of truth/lie discussions in increasing the veracity of children鈥檚 reports. American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award, $1000.

London, K. (2000). Investigative and courtroom interviews of children: Examining the efficacy of truth/lie discussions in increasing the veracity of children鈥檚 reports. American Psychology and Law Society Dissertation Grant-in-Aid Award, $500.

Nightingale, N. N., Saxton, B., & London, K. (1996). Jury comprehension and application of jury instructions: A field and experimental examination. Faculty Grant-in-Aid, University of Wyoming, $4,700.


American Psychological Association
American Psychology and Law聽
Society for Child & Family Policy & Practice
Society Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition Society for Research in Child Development



Introductory Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Child Development聽
Introductory Statistics
Psychology and the Law聽
Forensic Dev Psychology


Developmental Psychology
Adv. Statistical Methods 1 & 2
Cognitive Development
Forensic Developmental Psychology
Advanced Social Development

Medical School

Typical Development (course for child psychiatry residents)


Editorial Experience

2021-present Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition

2017-present Editorial Board, Law and Human Behavior

2015-present Editorial Board, Psychology, Public Policy and the Law

2022 Guest Editor, Memory
(Invited to become Assistant Editor but had to turn down due to JARMAC only allowing their editors to hold the position with their journal at a time)

2012 Along with S.J. Ceci, guest co-edited special issue of Developmental Review on forensic developmental psychology

2012- Editorial board, Sage open 2011 Guest article editor, Sage open manuscript

2009-2011 Editor of Child and Family Policy and Practice The Advocate, publication of Division 37 of the American Psychological Association.

2007-2008 Editor of Child and Family Policy and Practice Review, publication of Division 37 of the American Psychological Association.

Ad hoc reviewer (abbreviated list)

Journals: Psychological Science, Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Law & Human Behavior, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Child Maltreatment, Social Development, Spanish Journal of Psychology, Legal and Criminological Psychology, Infant and Child Development, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, Science, BMJ Psychology, Social Development, Journal of Applied Memory and Cognition, Psychology, Crime, and Law

Funding agencies: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, National Science Foundation (Law and Social Sciences Division), Ireland鈥檚 Health Research Board, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Conferences: Reviewer for several conferences of the American Psychology - Law Society, Society for Research in Child Development, and the American Psychological Association



  • Annual workshop for undergraduates on getting into graduate school, organizer & presenter (2005-2010)
  • Quantitative undergraduate and graduate curriculum review committee (2007- present)
  • Psychology Department Colloquium committee (2008-2010)
  • Graduate Student Admissions Committee Chair (2009-2012)
  • Director of Experimental Psychology (2012-2014)
  • Associate chair (2014-present)
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies (2017-present)
  • Psychology Department search committee (chair) (2015, 2016)
  • Introduction to Psychology Modification Committee (2017)
  • Technology fee request to obtain smartboards for psychology department (2017)
  • Annual Review of Professional Activity Committee
  • Department Personnel Committee and Committee Chair
  • Advisor to the University of Toledo Psi Chi (2019-present)


  • Institutional Review Board, member (2009-2010)
  • Institutional Review Board, Associate chair (2010-2016)
  • Institutional Review Board, member (2017-present)
  • Department of Philosophy Evidence and Reason Course Transformation Project, consultant (2009)
  • Committee on updating the Institutional Review Board procedures (2017)
  • Research misconduct investigation committee member (2017)
  • Conference planning committee member, Henry L. Hartman Symposium on Law and Psychiatry (2021-2022)


  • Invited member, International research group: Towards a trauma-informed legal process for maltreated children (2020-present)


3/00 - 5/00 Pathfinders Alternatives, Inc., is a youth social service coordinating agency. Acted as a consultant to create a hierarchical data management program in Microsoft Access, analyzed data for program evaluation

6/01 State of Wyoming, Department of Health. Organized, analyzed, and reported on drug, alcohol, and tobacco patterns of a database with over 25,000 Wyoming youth

6/00 鈥 8/01 Safe Schools/Healthy Students Project is based on a community grant designed to develop services to prevent juvenile delinquency. Assisted with data management and analyses for evaluating community programs

8/01-6/05 Research design and statistical consulting for several MD鈥檚 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division

11/02-present Legal consulting/expert witness for attorneys in Alabama, Maryland, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Florida, Washington D.C., North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Massachusetts, Florida, Nevada, California, Iowa, Utah, Missouri, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Washington, and New York. Additionally, I have been qualified as an expert and have testified in military court (for the prosecution and the defense in cases involving the Army, Navy, and Marines).

My research has been cited in courts throughout the United States including twice in U.S. Supreme Court cases (Patrick v Kennedy and Camreta v. Greene)


1993 Phi Kappa Phi, Academic Honor Society

1993 Psi Chi National Honor Society

1997 Lillian Portenier Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of Wyoming

1998 Ellbogen Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, University of Wyoming

1998 Bruce Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Wyoming

1995 - 1999 Graduate teaching assistantship, Department of Psychology, University of Wyoming

1995 - 2000 Recipient of eight research financial travel awards from the University of Wyoming Graduate School

1995 - 2000 Recipient of eight research financial travel awards from the University of Wyoming Psychology Department

1998, 2000 American Psychology and Law Society Travel Award

1999 - 2000 Graduate teaching assistantship, Department of Statistics, University of Wyoming

2000 Outstanding Graduate Minor of the Year in Statistics Award, University of Wyoming

2001 Bruce Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Wyoming

2000 - 2001 Full research assistantship, Department of Psychology, University of Wyoming

2010聽 2009-2010 Faculty Excellence Award, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Toledo

2010 First (and Second) Steps in Statistics selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Magazine, January 2010.

2015聽 2014-2015 Faculty Excellence Award, Language, Literature, & Social Sciences, University of Toledo

2019 Kohler International Travel award, University of Toledo

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