
College of Arts and Letters

CAL Faculty Council Minutes Apr. 16, 2024

College of Arts and Letters 2023-2024

Faculty Council Meeting

Minutes April 16, 2024, Webex

  1. Call to Order
    Motion to begin; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting begins.

  2. Roll Call
    Present: Alamina, Allred, Al Hariri, Baltus, Benton, Bland, Bonifacio, Christman, Cook, Damschroder, Gamble, Grazzini, Hey, Kistner, Lawrence (for Nemeth), McBane, Mezo, Monteleone, Mossblad, Myers, Nelson, Reed, Rouillard, Sakowski, Semaan, Smith, Stauch, Taylor, Ward, Whittaker, Zeigler (31)

    Absent: Alam, Amialchuk, Beatty-Medina, Black, Carpenter, Day, Dudley, Emonds, Feldmeier, Geiger, Kinsey (for Foss), McKether, Schlemper (13)

    Guests: Keith, Lingan, Gregory, McBride, Miner (5)

  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
    Meeting agenda submitted for approval; Motion to approve; Second; Vote: Agenda Approved.

  4. Dean’s Report: Melissa Gregory
    Please review the email sent regarding the CAL and JHCOE merger. Faculty can provide feedback via the link. The forthcoming new formation of an allied health college, a combination of HHS and Nursing, could potentially provide opportunities for some programs to consider moving to the merged CAL/JHCOE if they feel they will not be served by the merged allied health college.

  5. Executive Committee Report: Ammon Allred
    The committee met twice, once with the Dean to discuss the issues related to the merger. The committee discussed the agenda for today’s meeting and the upcoming joint meeting – the last meeting of this year’s Council and the first meeting of next year’s Council. Please remind new department reps that they should be at the second half of that meeting. Elections for the new Council were briefly discussed, along with meeting modality.

  6. Faculty Senate Report: Gaby Semaan
    Faculty Senate met on April 9. The Executive Committee reminded Senators about the election ballot sent via email. The mergers of CAL and JHCOE, HHS and Nursing, and concerns about the many interim Deans at the University were mentioned. Senate President-Elect announced that she will not be serving as Senate President next year. Interim Provost Molitor reported that an email with the new enrollment dashboard will be sent. A search for an Enrollment and Marketing Director is forthcoming; the search for a Dean of Nursing has been suspended pending the merger; and separate merger task forces for enrollment in the merged colleges will be created. Both mergers are planned for fall 2025.

  7. Graduate Council Report: Jami Taylor
    The ability to internally approve pipeline programs will be easier than in the past, as will moving programs to online modality; state approval not needed. A resolution about graduate funding was approved.

  8. Elections Committee Report: Joey Gamble
    Election results:
    Lecturer At-Large: Suzanne Smith and Thomas Zych
    Arts At-Large T/TT: Stephen Sakowski and Barbara Miner
    Humanities At-Large T/TT: Tony Edgington
    Social Sciences At-Large T/TT: Qun Wang
    CCAP Arts: Daniel Thobias
    CCAP Humanities: Ally Day
    CCAP Social Sciences: Jeffrey Broxmeyer
    Graduate Council CAL Reps: Jim Ferris, Dan Boden, and Beth Schlemper

  9. Bylaws/Constitution Report: Jami Taylor
    No report.

  10. Curriculum Committee Report: Holly Hey
    Program modifications approved:
    AR-THTR-BA-THTA: Theatre Arts Concentration, BA
    AR-THTR-BA-TDAT: Theatre Design & Technology Concentration, BA
    AR-THTR-BA-SASA: Stage and Screen Acting Concentration, BA

    Course modifications approved:
    FILM 4310: Narrative Film Production

  11. Old Business

  12. New Business

  13. Announcements
    The Composition Department is hosting the Shapiro Showcase of Student Writing April 17-18 in CL 1005.
    ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Æ· Department of Theatre & Film and OpenSpot Theatre present The Audition on Thursday, April 25.
    ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Æ· Department of Theatre & Film’s theatrical production of Neighborhood 3 is this weekend.
    Holly Monsos, Department of Theatre & Film Chair and Professor, is retiring at the end of this semester.
    The Honors Bachelor of Fine Arts exhibit reception is Friday, April 26, in the Center for Visual Arts.

  14. Adjournment
    Motion to Adjourn; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting Adjourned