
College of Arts and Letters

Faculty council Minutes - May 3, 2022

College of Arts and Letters

2022-2023 Faculty Council Meeting Minutes

May 3, 2022, Webex

  1. Call to Order of 2022-2023 Council
    Motion to begin; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting begins.
  2. Roll Call
    Present: Alam, Allred, Baltus, Beatty, Benton, Black, Branson, Caceres, Crookston, Feldmeier, Gamble, Hey, Jin, Keith, Kistner, McBane, Mezo, Miner, Monteleone, Montpetit, Nemeth, Peralta, Rouillard, Sakowski, Sapci, Schlemper, Smith, Stover, Taylor, Yaklin, Yamazaki (31)
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Executive Committee Report: Stephen Sakowski
    Nominations to be held for Executive Committee members.
  5. Faculty Senate Report: Suzanne Smith
  6. Graduate Council Report: tbd
    No report.
  7. Curriculum Committee Report: tbd
  8. Elections Committee Report: tbd
  9. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report: tbd
  10. Dean鈥檚 Report: Mel Gregory
  11. Old Business
  12. New Business
    1. Nominations for Vice-Chair: Melissa Baltus; Unopposed; Vote; Elected.
    2. Nominations for Secretary: Sheri Benton; Unopposed; Vote; Elected.
    3. Nominations for Arts Representative: Christopher Montpetit; Unopposed; Vote; Elected.
    4. Nominations for Social Sciences Representative: Jami Taylor; Unopposed; Vote; Elected.
    5. Nominations for Humanities Representative: Tyler Branson; Unopposed; Vote; Elected.
    6. Volunteers are needed for the Curriculum, Elections, and Constitution/Bylaws committees.
  13. Adjournment
    Motion to Adjourn; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting Adjourned